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The next day, Naruto bolted off the bus and into the school. He ran into the hallways and past the office to his locker. Quickly, he punched in the code he had memorized at the beginning of the year: 21-35-9, and the locker opened. His eyes scanned the locker and landed on an envelope sitting at the top shelf with a box of orange pockey next to it.

"Damn, who told you about my favorite pocky?" Naruto asked to no one in particular.

He snatched the letter and the pockey off the shelf and headed towards the staircase he usually went to when he ditched gym class. Sakura and he had been ditching that class the whole year and the gym teacher didn't give two shits. They could just go for a few classes at the end of the year to grab the few marks they needed anyway.

When he arrived, he saw that Sakura was already waiting for him at their usual spot. She was sat on the windowsill looking over the school parking lot. The smell of nail polish wafted towards Naruto and that's when he realized that she was painting her toenails a pretty shade of red.

With a smile, Naruto placed the pocky in front of her. "Courtesy of my Secret Admirer."

"Did he give you the letter you asked for?" Sakura asked as she moved on to the second coat of polish.

Naruto nodded, "yeah, I haven't opened it yet though."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Hurry up!" Sakura said excitedly.

Naruto sat on the other end of the windowsill and placed his book bag on the floor next to Sakura's. The sun was shining through the glass keeping both of them warm in the normally chilly part of the building.

He placed the letter on his lap and started to open it gently. "Can you paint my nails next?"

Sakura nodded from the other side of the windowsill as she closed the polish. "Let me put a clear coat on first and then I'll do yours."

Naruto didn't feel the need to respond as he pulled the letter out of its envelope. Immediately he noticed how long the letter was and felt a tinge of excitement run through him.

"Dear Naruto,

I'm really shitty at these emotional things. I'm so used to running away from my problems, ignoring them and waiting for them to go away that I don't really have much experience with comforting people, apologizing and owning up to my mistakes. I'm writing this letter right now because I want that to change. You are very important to me. I realize that it is probably hard for you to realize since you don't know my identity and you can't physically see my affection. I can only hope that for now, my words can be enough. I am really sorry for hurting you. I had my phone on me, I had a signal and I had some spare time throughout the day. I saw your texts but didn't reply because I was nervous. Halloween has never been an interesting holiday for me and I was worried that I would be boring in comparison to your excitement. Now that I think about it, it's really stupid and to circle back, I'm really sorry. I'll say it as many times as it takes to make you realize, I'll write as many letters as you want... I just want you to forgive me for everything that I've done.

Someday I want you to know who I am and when that time comes, I want you to give me a chance and hear me out. Hopefully, this is a step towards that and not backward? I really don't want to mess this up with you.

- SA"

Naruto gasped, "this is so sweet."

He passed the letter to Sakura as she was wiggling her toes waiting for them to dry. It took her about a minute to read it and once she was done, a big smile found its way into her face.

"Oh my god this man is a keeper. I don't care what he looks like, where he came from or what his past was like, you need to keep him!"

"I agree wholeheartedly. I'm definitely giving him a chance once I meet him," Naruto smiled as he gently folded the letter and place it back in the envelope.

"You are keeping that, aren't you?" Sakura mumbled knowingly.

"Of course, I like keeping letters. They are meaningful and deserve to be reread," Naruto confirmed as he placed the letter in an empty pouch in his backpack.

Sakura opened the box of pocky and took one. "How does he know all this stuff about you?"

"Apparently Sai is working with him and I have a sneaky suspicion that he may have recruited someone else too."

"Wait, who do you think it is!?" Sakura questioned.

"I don't know... I have a lot of friends so it could be anyone," Naruto smirked. "Do you have something to tell me, Sakura?"

"No! I swear to god if it was me, I would tell you!" Sakura promised as she passed the box of candy back to Naruto.

"You promised me you would paint my nails," Naruto said as he stuck a piece of pocky in his mouth.

"Well, shimmy on over here and put your hands on my binder. We only have a half-hour left!" Sakura exclaimed as Naruto swallowed his pocky with a laugh.

He wished he could write a letter back to tell his Secret Admirer about everything he just told Sakura.

{SasuNaru} My Secret Admirer Where stories live. Discover now