Author Note

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Hello everyone! As you can see, this is not an update for the story but I still think that it's important for you to read through this short note. There are some things I would like to make you all aware of and I would also like your feedback on a few things.

With that all said, let's get into it!

1) I am not in school right now but I am still doing online school to boost my grade in two of my courses. (I'm in grade 11 so this is very important). Not only that but I am going through a lot of stuff with my mental health, family, and friends. I started writing this story again to alleviate some of that stress in my life. So, if it is not too much to ask, please refrain slightly from commenting, "UPDATE!"

I know that most people comment this out of excitement and I really do not want to come off as ungrateful. I read every single comment and appreciate them more than you know. I just want to make you all aware of how these comments make me feel especially with everything I have to do on top of writing this story. It makes me feel pressured to put out another update when I haven't even started writing the next chapter yet and trust me, that's not a great feeling. Sometimes, I'll publish two or three chapters in a single day and only a few hours or a day later they'll already be comments saying, "OMG UPDATE PLEASE!"

I do not have this story prewritten. Therefore, I am writing each chapter as I go. I don't even have my ideas written down. I just write whatever comes to my mind at the time and go with it. That's why I ask that you at least give me a week or two before you comment, "UPDATE!" Of course, commenting something like, "I cannot wait for the next chapter!" is absolutely fine and I encourage that! But commenting, "NOOO. PLEASE UPDATE SOON!" is stressful on me.

I promise this is not meant to call anyone out and I really don't want to come off as rude or bratty. I just want to let you all know what is going on in my head when I see comments like that. My life is busy, so please give me a few days.

2) I have noticed there have been a lot of comments misunderstanding Itachi and Naruto's relationship. I will confirm right here and now: there is no romantic undertone in Itachi and Naruto's relationship. In this story, Itachi is straight, Naruto is gay and Itachi and Naruto both consider the other a brother. They have helped each other many times over the years and they both love and cherish Sasuke.

I headcanon Itachi and Naruto as friends/unbiological brothers. Itachi will not betray Sasuke and go after Naruto. Itachi doesn't like Naruto that way. Naruto will not start to crush on both Uchiha's. Itachi does not have some evil plan. No matter what, this will never be part of the plot as I want Itachi and Sasuke to have a good and wholesome relationship in this story— that has always been my plan. I am only here to clear this up because in part 73% it seemed like a lot of you were freaked out about Itachi and Naruto's conversation.

3) I was thinking about having a few mature themes in the following chapters but I do not know the age range of my audience. So, I want to know, would any of you be interested in this story including themes such as drugs, alcohol, sex, mental health, etc? Or do you want me to continue the story with strictly PG-13 content? I am open to doing it either way and have ideas for both those routes. So, I will leave it up to all you, the amazing audience that keeps me writing this story after all these years.

That's all for now! If you have read this far, thank you so much! Please feel free to leave a comment or two letting me know what you would like to see in the future of this story. ;)

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