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"Hey Naruto, have another shot!" Kiba hollered from behind him.

Naruto groaned as Kiba's chest hit his back and one of his arms slung a shot in front of his face. He had already three shots and Kiba was in denial about how much alcohol a couple of high schoolers could handle.

Sakura rolled her eyes and ran her hands down over the skirt of her sexy nurse costume. Naruto still wasn't sure how Sakura's mother let her out of the house wearing such an outfit.

"You don't have to scream! I am right next to you," Naruto grunted as he took the shot that Kiba was holding out in front of him.

"Ready?" Kiba asked as he pinched his nose.

Naruto followed suit with a smile, "you know it."

They quickly threw back their shots and cringed as it ran down the back of their throats.

"It doesn't get any better. You just don't get used to it," Naruto said after swallowing. His voice was slightly raspy from the constant consumption of bitter alcohol.

"Nope," Kiba replied simply as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

Naruto glanced around the party and realized quickly that most of the student body made an appearance. He also noticed that a few middle schoolers managed to find their way in thinking they were hot stuff. The music was blasting, almost everyone was dancing and grinding on one another; it looked exactly like a scene from the movies.

Hinata strutted over with a water bottle in her Alice costume and Kiba sported his matching Mad Hatter one. Naruto tried not to feel jealous that he didn't have a boyfriend to match costumes with.

"Here," Hinata muttered as she passed the water bottle to Kiba. "I don't want you getting sick again."

"Aw, thanks babe," Kiba replied as he took the water bottle from her petit grip.

Sakura made a gagging face at the interaction and Naruto had to agree with her clear opinion. The usage of the word 'babe' was never his fortè either but Naruto would never say anything to Kiba since Hinata didn't seem to care and that was all that mattered.

Naruto and Sakura then watched as Kiba pulled Hinata towards the big group of dancing teens. He spun her around gently as they got to a spot he liked and she giggled softly, pulling her hands away and slinging them around his shoulders.

"Any cute boys here tonight?" Naruto asked Sakura as they watched their friends dance from afar.

"Not really and even if there were, you'd never get a guy in that costume."

Naruto looked down at his Han Solo costume and sighed. "Desperate times call for desperate measures. Money was tight this year."

Sakura nodded in understanding, "it doesn't matter anyway, your secret admirer isn't gonna be here."

Naruto watched briefly as Kankuro and Gaara threw out a couple of the middle schoolers, making a slight scene that hushed the party only for a few seconds. There were a few comments made that they should go tick or treating like normal kids. They snapped back that they were only a few years younger than them and then stormed away.

Naruto chuckled for a moment at Gaara's scrunched you face and watched as Kankuro patted him on the shoulder in comfort.

Then it hit him and Naruto gasped.

"No, whatever you are thinking, stop it right now."

"Hear me out!" Naruto started excitedly as he wrapped an arm around Sakura. "My secret admirer isn't going to be here tonight and we have it narrowed down to eight guys, right? That means we can walk around the party and see who isn't here and whoever from that list isn't here is the mystery guy!"

"I hate to break it to you Naruto but there is no way we are going to be able to track down all the people on that list. I bet some people have left already to go joy rides or have sex," Sakura mumbled as she took a sip of her cooler.

Naruto pulled her closer so their sides bumped playfully. "Come on! It's worth a shot, isn't it?"

The DJ started to play some overplayed pop song on the radio and the crowd went wild. It was probably a song from one of those wannabe Justin Bieber types but Naruto couldn't tell since he was starting to feel light from the shots he had taken.

"You are obsessed with finding this guy," Sakura giggled as she threw her can in the recycling.

"We both know you want to know who it is too."

"Alright," Sakura sighed, "I have nothing better to do so let's find... not find this guy?"

Naruto laughed and started to drag her towards the action. "I knew you'd be on board!"

And if Sakura and Naruto drank a few more cheap coolers during their search, that wouldn't be such a bad thing, would it?

Author Note: All your comments have been taken into consideration and as of now, this story is officially under the Mature Content tag. Get ready because things are gonna get crazy from here!

{SasuNaru} My Secret Admirer Where stories live. Discover now