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Naruto was running down the corridor that afternoon in an absolute frenzy. Gaara, Kankuro, Temari, Shikamaru, and himself all went out for lunch but got stuck in traffic on the way back. When they pulled into the school parking lot, the bell was just after ringing and he was about to be late for his Biology class. At that moment he was cursing Kankuro for pressuring him to go get lunch since it caused him to be losing time on his test now.

With no hesitation, Naruto speedily unlocked his locker and grabbed the rest of his textbooks for the day before sprinting down the hallway again. The corridors were completely empty since the class had started three minutes ago. Thankfully that meant there was no one to dodge in his chase against time. 

He heard a teacher call out from his classroom, "slow down Uzumaki," but Naruto didn't care. All that mattered at that moment was passing his Biology test.

The stairwell entrance came into view and he was about to turn the corner when he collided with another body.

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry," he hissed as he took a step backward.

"Don't worry about it, Dobe," was the reply he received. "Why are you in such a rush?"

Naruto practically glared at Sasuke, "what is it to you, Teme?"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," he muttered as he put his hands up defensively.

"You know we have a test now, right?" Naruto asked putting a hand on his hip.

"That's tomorrow..."

"Are you fucking serious?" Naruto groaned and Sasuke's only response was his signature smirk.

"You know what, I don't want to talk to you right now," Naruto groaned. "I need to go to class either way so see you later."

"Alright then," Sasuke sighed as Naruto made his way up the flight of stairs to the next floor.

Once Naruto got to his class and sat in his desk, it hit him. The words, 'Don't worry about it, Dobe,' echoed in his brain.

No. Fucking. Way.

As everyone started working on their review sheets for the test the next day, Hinata pulled her desk up to Naruto's.

"Is everything okay?" She asked in her usual soft tone. "You look upset."

"There is no fucking way..." Naruto whispered. "Hinata, please tell me I'm crazy."

"What is going on?" She asked, her voice growing more concerned.

It couldn't be Sasuke Uchiha. He would've told him by now.

Naruto kept telling himself he was being delusional as he shakily pulled his phone out of his bookbag. He needed to ask. His Secret Admirer said that Naruto should figure it out on his own, right? This counted as evidence in Naruto's mind.

"Naruto what's going on?" She asked again with more demand in her tone this time.

Naruto hushed her, "give me a second."

He taped away at his phone for a few seconds and then sent the text. He stared at it for a moment before putting his phone face down on his desk.

"I think my Secret Admirer is Sasuke Uchiha," Naruto whispered glancing over his shoulder to make sure no one was listening.

Hinata's concerned face immediately twisted into an amused one. "Okay, so you are crazy."

"Hinata, hear me out," Naruto tried but Hinata interrupted him.

"You and Sasuke haven't been friends in years. The two of you barely talk. How could he have a crush on you? Naruto, that doesn't make sense," she explained and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know you are eager to figure out who it is but don't jump to conclusions until you can be sure."

Naruto looked at the floor, "maybe your right. I mean, Sasuke was at the party but my Secret Admirer told me he was at home."

Hinata nodded, "see? It doesn't add up."

"Sasuke had so many opportunities at the party to tell me and he didn't. If it was him, wouldn't he have told me right then and there when we were together? Plus, he didn't even seem interested in rekindling our friendship when I asked him to. And then there was our conversation the other night... I was texting SA about Sasuke and he never said a thing. If it was him, that would've been the perfect moment to tell me," Naruto spoke mostly to himself.

"That's right. Just take a breath and calm down," Hinata smiled.

"Thank you, Hinata. You are the best," Naruto laughed as he grabbed a pencil. "I can't believe I thought for a second that Sasuke liked me."

Hinata's smiled faded but only for a moment as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. When Naruto looked away from her and at his work, she took to quickly typing a text and hitting send.

- November 10th, 12:34 PM -

He is on to you. I hope you plan on telling him soon because I hate covering for you.

Got it.

{SasuNaru} My Secret Admirer Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon