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- November 11th, 6:56 PM -

{Secret Admirer}
Hey, what are you up to?

Applying for scholarships.

{Secret Admirer}
Wait, are you serious?

What? Do you think I'm not smart enough to do that on my own?

{Secret Admirer}
No, that isn't it at all. I'm just surprised that you are doing it now. First-term reports haven't even come out yet.

A lot of the scholarships I am applying for are based on things other than grades. Volunteering, teacher recommendations, etc.

{Secret Admirer}
Damn, I wish I was that on the ball. I still don't even know what school I want to go to.

I have a school I want to go to but I'm applying to a bunch just in case.

{Secret Admirer}
You probably want to go to Hashirama Memorial, right? Since you mentioned wanting to be a lawyer?

Yeah, and you want to be a police officer, right? Does that mean you're going to college in Suna?

{Secret Admirer}
I guess so. Well, maybe.

Second thoughts, huh?

{Secret Admirer}
Yeah, I always wanted to be a police officer like my dad but the more and more I read up on it now... I don't know. The system is flawed in so many ways and I don't know if I want to support that.

Jesus Christ that's pretty scary.

{Secret Admirer}
I'm not scared!

You are a senior who isn't sure what they want to do with their life. Are you sure you aren't scared?

{Secret Admirer}
Fine, I'm scared. Just don't tell anyone.

How the fuck—

{Secret Admirer}
Okay, okay, I now realize the flaw in my statement.

{Secret Admirer}
You will know who I am soon though.

Are you serious?

{Secret Admirer}
Yes, I am serious. Expecting you to figure it out and leading you along was a dick move. I'm also becoming impatient myself so there's that too.

Wow, the tables have completely turned.

{Secret Admirer}
You don't know the half of it.

{SasuNaru} My Secret Admirer Where stories live. Discover now