4. Out for Drinks

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Yo's POV

Getting my make up done is taking much longer than I expected. Do boys really need to wear this much make up? Aren't we the ones who get to walk around looking unkempt and the girls get to complain about how we don't even try?

"Thirsty," I pouted, talking to myself. Then like a ray of beautiful sunshine my pink milk appeared. I looked up at Ming with a grateful smile before sucking greedily on my straw.

"You're going to choke," Ming said, pushing my hair back.

"Shut it," I replied. "Pink milk time is sacred time."

"Yo," Pha said, coming over without me noticing. He startled me and I choked on my pink milk. That was definitely Ming's fault.

"Hi," I greeted Pha as soon as I could breathe again.

"These are my friends Kit and Beam," he said, pointing to the two guys that are with him. Kit is a cute, dimpled red-head about the same height as I am. Beam is a handsome brunette with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"Nice to see you too, Pha. I'm so happy to meet to your friends," Ming muttered under his breath before clearing his throat loudly.

"This is Ming," Pha said without glancing in his direction.

"Nice to meet you," Kit said.

"What are you guys doing tonight?" Beam asked. "We're going out to a club, if you'd like to join us."

Before we could answer, another tall senior walks up to us and nudges Ming with his shoulder.

"Hey Forth," Ming said. "Yo, this is my cousin, Forth. He was the Engineering Moon and first runner up for Campus Moon last year."

I smiled at Forth. He's almost as tall as Pha, who has to be 6'3". Forth, Beam, Kit, and Pha are all so good looking. So is Ming, of course. I know I'm cute, but why is every other guy in this school so handsome? I'm starting to get an inferiority complex.

"Nice to meet you, Yo," Forth said, then he looked over at Pha and his friends. "Hey guys, do we still have plans tonight?"

"Sure, we just invited Ming and Yo," Beam said. "That club just off campus?"

"That's where we always go," Forth confirmed, turning back to Ming and I. "Are you coming?"

I looked over at Ming, letting him decide for both of us. Dad would insist on sending another bodyguard if we go out drinking, which Ming hates, but he knows better than to forget to talk to my dad about it. Last time that happened my dad put Ming and I on house arrest for two weeks. Ming nearly went crazy with boredom.

"That would be fun, wouldn't it, Yo?" Ming asked. I guess he's willing to allow the bodyguard if it means he gets to go out tonight.

"Yeah, we'll come," I said. "Thanks for inviting us."

"I'd offer you a ride," Forth said, "but I only have a motorcycle, so I can't take both of you."

"I'll take them," Pha said, jumping in to help.

"You only have a two-seater," Kit reminded him.

"I could borrow a car," Pha said, sounding a little petulant.

"If you're thinking of borrowing my car. Think again," Beam said. "I'm already driving Kit and two other guys."

"It's okay," I said, trying to stop any further debates. "Ming has a car, he can drive the two of us."

"Yo, we're taking your pictures next," Ging said, interrupting our conversation. "Ming, get your make up done, your turn is coming up soon."

"One second, sweetie," the makeup artist said to me. "You've wiped off all your lipgloss."

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