29. Hope

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Kit's POV

Pha was a wreck. Beam and I watched him drown his sorrows at the bar. It had taken both of us to carry him back to his room and get him in bed. I'd been forced to stay with him, knowing he would feel terrible when he woke up. I laid down on his couch and called Ming.

"I'm staying in Pha's room, he's too drunk to take care of himself," I said. "Do you want to come over to talk?"

"If I see Pha, I'm going to want to hurt him," Ming said. "So it's safer if we just talk on the phone."

"Why are you so angry at him?" I asked. "It was a misunderstanding."

"He hurt my friend a lot," Ming answered, sounding annoyed. "Yo didn't deserve that."

"I know, but I never knew Yo could be so heartless," I said, getting annoyed as well. Couldn't Yo be the least bit understanding? "Pha is really suffering."

"How can you say that Yo is heartless?" Ming asked with what sounded like a growl. "Pha is the one who hurt him."

"Pha feels terrible," I said, my voice rising with anger. "How many times does he have to say he's sorry?"

"Sorry!" Ming scoffed. "The only thing Pha is sorry about is that he lost Yo. He couldn't be bothered to actually apologize."

"Wait," I said, my anger stopping short. That couldn't be true, could it? "Are you saying that Pha didn't tell Yo that he was sorry?"

"Of course he didn't," Ming said quickly. "You know how proud he is. He said he missed Yo and wanted him back. He barely acknowledged that he made a mistake, he didn't even mention how much he hurt Yo or how badly he treated him."

"I didn't know," I said. No wonder Yo hadn't forgiven him. Pha was such a moron. "I'll talk to Pha tomorrow."

"Listen, I know you want to help your friend, but honestly, I don't know if Pha deserves another chance," Ming said, still sounding angry. "I'm on Yo's side, no matter what. Pha was his first real relationship and he's really hurt."

"He's your best friend," I said, understanding where he was coming from. "I get it, but Pha does love him."

"What I want to say is, I don't want their problems to affect how we feel about each other," Ming said, sounding nervous and a little sad. I could feel the blush rising on my cheeks with his words and I realized he wasn't sad about Pha and Yo breaking up.

"It won't," I reassured Ming. I liked Ming a lot more than I was ready to admit, and I didn't want to lose what we had. "I know Pha's an idiot sometimes, but even if he and Yo don't work it out, we'll still be friends."

"Is that all we are, Kit? Just friends?" Ming asked. He sounded way too sure of himself. I ignored his question and we talked for a few more minutes, making plans to see each other before hanging up. I put the phone down and thought about how to talk to Pha tomorrow. His stupidity had gone too far. He needed to make things right with Yo and the only way to do that was to admit that he'd been in the wrong and ask for forgiveness. Hopefully Yo really was the forgiving type.

Phana's POV

A strange feeling was pulling me from sleep. Someone shaking me, telling me to get up. Without opening my eyes, I thought about soft hands, sweet brown eyes, and delicious pink lips. My Yo. He was standing above me, so I pulled him down on top of me and started kissing his neck. He struggled against me, but I was insistent. Oh, how I missed him.

"Stop!" A voice sounded loudly in my ear, making me wince in pain. Why was my head pounding?

"Please, Yo," I begged. I needed him, why was he refusing me? The neck I had been trying to kiss didn't taste right, so I moved to capture his lips instead.

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