13. Making Plans

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Wayo's POV

My heart and mind was still filled with the vision of those two brothers and their horrible fate when Pha came up and took my hands. My distraction meant that I wasn't prepared to block the onslaught of Pha's thoughts at that moment.

My poor Yo. How do I help him? What happened? How would I live if anything happened to him? I love him. His eyes are sad. Does he get sick often? I'll be his doctor, I'll take care of him. My baby, I can't live without you. Please, don't leave me.

Each thought was punctuated with feelings of love mixed with desire. There were memories of Pha watching me in the past week and all the emotions they brought for Pha. It was overwhelming and my heart was beating hard. Finally I was able to remove my hand from his and gain control of my thoughts. I was amazed at the way he saw me, and I couldn't stop the heat that rushed to my cheeks.

"Don't worry, Pha," I said, wanting to comfort him. "I'm right here."

"Yo, why don't you call it a day?" Ging said, seeming to have finally calmed himself. "Get some rest and we'll see you tomorrow."

"Are you sure?" I asked. I wanted to rest until this headache eased up, but I didn't want to worry anyone. "I'm really fine."

"No, no, you go home and take care of yourself," Ging replied, smiling at me kindly. "By the way, have you had a chance to think about what you'll perform for your talent?"

"Oh, yeah," I replied, remembering that I needed to let them know today. "I thought I'd play the guitar or piano and sing a song."

"You can play the guitar, and the piano, and you can sing?" Pha asked, looking at me in surprise.

"Actually, he can play the drums too," Ming said, making my face feel hot again. Why is that so surprising? Do I look like I don't know how to do anything? I'm a double-major, for heaven's sake, and my grades are great. I'm pretty smart, even if I have to say it myself. I guess most people just see me as the young son of a rich businessman and don't ever expect me to have to do anything beyond that.

"Well, decide quickly and let me know," Ging said, turning back to the practice. "We need to arrange with the props department as soon as possible."

"Sure," I replied as he walked away. Kao stood up and looked over at Ming.

"I'll take Yo back to his room," he said, trying to help me up. "Joss will probably be here in a couple of hours."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Pha asked, looking unhappy about something. I was a little nervous now that I knew how he saw me. It was flattering and a little bit heady. It was definitely not something I needed to be thinking about right now though.

"You can stay here," I said, wishing I could stop the heat in my cheeks, "I'm just going to sleep anyway."

"I have to stay too. I'm not excused from practice," Ming said, giving me a worried look.

"We'll talk when you get back," I told Ming. I knew he didn't want to miss us talking about anything important. My head was pounding and a few hours of rest before having to go through the whole vision again would be a welcome relief anyway.

Ming looked unhappy at letting me go. Poor Ming, he could be so stubborn and he is such a good friend that he worried about me too much. I made a mental note to do something nice for him. Something to make him as happy as he always tried to make me.

"Fine," Ming said, giving in. "Rest until I get back. I'll probably only be a few more hours then I'll bring everyone dinner."

Kao helped me to his car while I snacked on a bag of chips. I knew I needed to eat something because I'd just taken pain medication. By the time we got back to my room, my headache was starting to ease.

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