22. Dating

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Phana's POV

Mine. Mine. Mine. It ran through my head like a mantra, making me feel confident and excited. Yo was actually mine. Well, not technically, but practically. He said he wouldn't date anyone else and the other night he'd definitely wanted to kiss me. Mine.

It was like a drug. Watching him, seeing the way he smiled at me, talking to him about his day. It was addictive and gave me a definite high. There were some drawbacks. His security team was one of them. Having Yo tell me that they walked in and out of his room while he slept had been shocking and extremely unsettling. How was I ever going to be able to get some alone time with him if he was never actually alone? Never mind the fact that some day I was hoping to be able to do very private things with him in that room on that bed. How was I even going to kiss him with this constant attention?

Ming was another drawback, but Yo seemed to have come up with a solution for that all on his own. He probably didn't realize that setting Ming up with Kit would mean that Ming had less time to spend ruining my time with Yo, but I certainly saw the benefits.

The next problem appeared to be our classes. We both had schoolwork, and unfortunately our faculties were on nearly opposite ends of the university. Becoming a doctor wasn't exactly easy and Yo had a double major, we both had a lot of studying that we needed to do. To top that off, Yo's friends refused to take my hints and leave my baby alone. One of these pests was Nate, his dance partner from the Moon and Star Competition. She was adorable and shy and sweet and way too close to Yo. I hate Nate.

Why did she need to smile? I didn't know anyone who smiled so often. She smiled when Yo walked into the room, she smiled when they said hello, she smiled while they were talking, she smiled when they said goodbye. Why was she so disturbingly happy? Yo is mine! You can't have him! He'll never be yours because I'll never let him go. Mine. Mine. Mine.

Wayo's POV

Dating Pha was a little unpredictable. He was much more possessive and jealous than anyone else I knew. And I had a bodyguard who thought I was a literal angel that needed to be protected. I understood obsession better than most. Pha felt the need to be with me constantly. So much so that he would skip his lectures if I didn't force him to go.

He also didn't like any of my friends. It didn't matter if it was a boy or a girl, he didn't want anyone to get too close. In some ways, that was a relief because it meant I didn't have acquaintances touching me as often as usual. In other ways, it was troubling because I lived in a world full of people and I couldn't stay away from everyone the way he seemed to want.

Ming, Forth, and my personal security team seemed to be a particular source of displeasure to Pha. He was constantly giving them dirty looks or asking them to back away from me. He and Kao had almost come to blows several times. After seeing Pha spar with Forth, I knew he didn't stand a snowflake's chance in the fiery pits of hell if he fought with Kao.

He was even jealous of his own friends. If I smiled at Beam or (heaven forbid) winked at Kit in jest, he would pull me away from them with a growl and threats about their imminent demise. I would have thought it was funny, if it wasn't so disconcerting. I wanted him to trust me, not act like I was going to run off with the first person who walked past if he wasn't around to prevent it.

His thoughts were also a little over the top. It took me a little while to understand that he didn't really mean it when he thought, I hate Ming or I hate Nate or I hate Forth. It seemed to be what he thought whenever someone was particularly close to me. He didn't actually hate them, but it had worried me at first.

The other worry I had was about Pha's physical desires. Forth had already told me that Pha had a lot of experience with sexual relationships and what I saw in Pha's mind whenever his thoughts were too loud to ignore was more than enough to confirm that Forth was right.

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