42. In the Night

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Kit's POV

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, considering my current outfit. This was my third attempt. Ming was coming over to take me out to dinner, we'd been apart for three days and I wanted to look good. Not that I was worried that he wouldn't like how I looked. I mean, we're still just figuring things out. I didn't need to impress him. Right?

Looking at myself critically I realized that maybe I did need this more than I admitted. At first, Ming had been a little bit of an annoyance, then a casual friendship that sometimes included making out. But, when I was really honest with myself, I knew that I wanted more. He'd always made his preference for me perfectly obvious, but after the way he'd so easily left me to go with Yo, I had to face the fact that I was beginning to depend on him more and more.

I knew that he loved Yo as a brother, I wasn't worried that he had romantic feelings for his friend, but Ming didn't win Campus Moon for nothing. He was really handsome and a lot of people approached him. He'd been kind but disinterested when he turned them down, but I worried. I wanted to make our relationship official, so that he had a reason to turn down everyone else. I wanted him to want me and only me. Now if I could just get my stubborn head to agree with my heart, I could take this relationship to the next level.

When I heard the knock on the door, I knew Ming had arrived. He'd texted awhile ago saying he was having a shower in his dorm and then he'd be over to pick me up. Throwing the clothes that had not made the cut onto the closet floor, I ran to let him in.

"KitKat, I missed you," Ming said, putting down bags of something that smelled delicious before pulling me into his arms. "Say that you missed me too."

"Don't be silly," I said, embarrassment coloring my cheeks. "You were only gone for a few days. Why would I miss you?"

"Did you think of me while I was away?" Ming asked, ignoring my grumpiness and kissing my cheek gently.

"No," I said, trying to move out of his grasp. Why was I always contrary? Of course I missed him and I thought about him every day. But I couldn't just say what I felt. It just wasn't in my nature to be sweet all the time. "Did you bring food? I thought we were going out?"

"I want to eat in," Ming said, moving his lips down to my neck. "I don't want to share you with anybody."

His lips and hands were moving across my body, making my heart beat too fast. I tried to push him away gently, but he was insistent. I allowed it because I loved every second, but I didn't want him to know that. "You're just horny."

"Tell me to stop and I will," Ming responded. "It only takes one word from you."

He continued his gentle assault on my body, hands kneading my backside as he walked me toward the bed. I noticed his destination, but I knew if we continued like this, I wasn't going to do what I said I would do. So I turned us toward the couch. "I'm hungry."

"Okay," he gave in, letting go of my body but taking my hand. We sat down and he set out the food. We ate, talking about what he'd done with Yo over the last few days. I loved this, the easy way we talked. The way he took care of me without making it obvious, quietly putting more food on my plate or offering me something to drink. Holding my hand whenever mine was free. Telling me about his day and really listening when I told him about mine. Is this what love is? This feeling of belonging? Or was love the pounding of my heart and the way my breath caught whenever we touched? Was it the passionate way we kissed or my instant arousal when he took me in his arms? I'd never experienced anything like this.

After we ate, his eyes raked over my body. I could tell he was still turned on, hungry for something that wasn't food. I wanted it too, loved the feeling of his hands on my body. But we needed to talk first. I couldn't let my grumpiness get in the way of our happiness.

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