24. Visions Become Reality

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Jae's POV

Tonight was going to be great. We had a plan to go meet friends for drinks, but changed our plans when a guy from the Physics department asked if we wanted to go out for a late night dessert. The guy was hot, and so was his friend, so Zee and I agreed immediately. It's not ditching our friends for hot guys, it's careful use of our time. Don't judge!

We'd planned to meet the gang at 9 PM and then go to meet our dates at 10:30, but Zee took forever to get ready. I might have spent just as much time getting ready as he did, but I could have been done sooner, so it was clearly his fault. We finally left our dorm nearly 30 minutes after we were supposed to meet at the bar. I sent a text to Montri letting him know that we were on our way, and we walked out to find our front tire was flat.

Don't look at me, I have no idea how to change a tire. Taxi! It's getting late, so Zee and I decide to go straight to the restaurant for our late night date. I know I said careful use of our time, but I'm being forced to ditch my friends. What have I said about judging? Recognize: hot guys. Priorities, people!

Our taxi driver was one of those guys who turned on his radio really loud and yelled comments to his passengers, rather than actually paying attention to where he was driving. Oh please, Mr. I-Don't-Have-Anyone-That-Listens-To-Me-At-Home, I only watch football for the men playing with balls factor, I have no idea which team actually scored.

He drove us to a badly lit area with a bar, a restaurant, and a couple of empty buildings. The bar was the only building that didn't look empty, but the restaurant had an old, slightly damaged sign that declared Lion's Restaurant. As soon as we stepped out, the driver pulled away and left us there.

I'm looking down, wondering if the bottom of my shoes have ever touched something as dirty as this street. Is this karma for ditching my friends? I don't care how hot the guy is, this is not a good place for a date. It's dirty and smelly and ewww!

"I'm not sure this is the right place," Zee said as we walked closer. There were some lights on inside the restaurant, but it was mostly dark and I couldn't see any customers. Of course there are no customers, most people have standards.

"Obviously," I said, practically rolling my eyes. I noted the dark alley to the side. We might have been a little early, but if this was the place we were supposed to meet Park and his friend, it wasn't even open and it was totally creepy.

We decided to walk over to the bar, since it seemed to be the only place that was open, and double check the address. It wasn't really the kind of bar we were used to, but it was a room full of people, so that felt safer than a dark and empty street.

"Ouch!" Zee exclaimed, calling the attention of a group of guys outside the bar. I looked over at my brother to see he'd stepped into a deep crack and twisted his ankle hard. I helped him up and he clung to me in pain. I looked down at my phone, wondering what we should do.

I admit I'm not the kind of person who uses gut instincts to decide the best thing to do, I'm a Science student because I like things to make sense. There is order to the world and I find order to be beautiful. Besides, have you ever noticed how many men major in Science? Hey, it's just a bonus. Anyway, right now my gut instincts and the order in the universe are both telling me that this situation is bad.

The guys near the bar started walking toward us, but it didn't feel like they were coming to help. It was something in the way they looked at us or the way they moved. We'd have to pass them to get into the bar, and for some reason that I didn't fully comprehend, I didn't want to go anywhere near them. Zee seemed to agree, so we turned together and started walking back to the restaurant, with Zee using me as support.

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