Epilogue 1 (Flashback)

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Author's Note: This epilogue is dedicated to  @JemDragon_84 who requested this particular flashback. This is the scene when Pha has to explain to Pring that they are not dating after her disastrous birthday party. I hope you like it.

 I hope you like it

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Pring's POV

I watched Pha staring after the retreating vehicle that carried the stupid brat and his friends away from my birthday party. I had hoped that with the added pressure of all my friends and my father's acceptance of Pha as my boyfriend, that the tall man would finally give in and admit that he wanted me. Of course, we didn't get that far, because that little twat ran away before it could happen.

Taking Pha by the arm, I tried to pull him back to my party. Even if the kid wasn't here to witness it, I just needed to introduce Pha as my boyfriend to a couple of friends, so he'd feel the pressure to agree. It might seem a little underhanded, but I knew once we were official, he'd realize I had been the best choice all along. I mean, honestly, why would Pha want that dweeb of a boy when he could have me? Besides, Pha obviously didn't understand how wrong his choices had been so far. I thought sending the picture of the boy and his twin lovers outside the hotel would be enough for Pha to wake up, but he was even farther gone than I thought. It was little more than a week before they were back together. Some people just didn't know what was best for them.

If only I'd been able to get him to the hotel faster, he might not have fallen asleep before we could spend the night together. No matter, I would get Pha into bed with me sooner or later, and then he wouldn't have any choice but to acknowledge our relationship. Did I feel bad for the gay boy he would be letting down? Of course not. That kid already had half the school falling for his sweet, innocent boy mind games. He made me sick.

"Pha, come back to the party, sweetheart," I said, smiling up at him innocently. "I want to introduce you to my friends."

Pha didn't respond, he just kept staring at the place the car had disappeared down the road, oblivious to my presence. Kit stood there, looking between me and Pha before he finally spoke, "Maybe it's time to go home, Pha."

What? That idiot. Of course, he was another one of those disgusting homos, so I shouldn't expect any better. As soon as Pha and I were steady, I'd find a way to get rid of his less desirable friends. I really couldn't risk my reputation by allowing my boyfriend to hang out with people like that. I pulled a little harder on his arm, forcing him to acknowledge me.

He turned my way, and gently removed my hand from his arm, "I'm sorry, Pring. I have something really important I need to do right now, but can we talk tomorrow?"

"Sure, you can take me out to lunch," I replied, then leaned up to place a quick kiss on his cheek. This plan had gone better than I thought. Now that the silly boy was gone, Pha asked me out on our first official date. I was so excited I could hardly wait. "It's a date."

I paid special attention to my outfit, makeup, and hairstyle the next day. Making sure I looked sweet and innocent, just the way Pha seemed to like. I practiced my big doe eyes in the mirror, so that I'd be prepared to look the way he wanted when he asked me to be his girlfriend. I could show him how not shy I was after we got together. Then I had my driver take me to the restaurant where we planned to meet.

"I missed you, Pha," I said, as soon as I sat down at the table. He looked down, a frown on his face and I paused for a moment, wanting to get this relationship started out right. "I'm so glad we're finally going out on our first date."

"That's actually what I want to talk to you about," Pha said, his face showing how uncomfortable he felt. Oh no, no way was he going to break up with me before we even started. I couldn't allow it. Apparently this was going to be harder than I anticipated. Fine, Plan B. Pretend to be dumb.

"I know you want to make us official as soon as possible," I said, smiling sweetly, "but shouldn't we order lunch before we talk about that? You're making me feel shy."

"Pring ...," he said, looking down with sigh. When he looked back up my eyes were wide and soft, just the way I practiced in the mirror. He picked up his menu and I smiled as he gave in.

I made small talk and tried holding his hand, but he kept moving it away whenever I got close. I tried to look unconcerned but this was really starting to piss me off. Couldn't he see that I was trying to help him? He couldn't seriously be wanting to give up a chance with me to be with that little boy? It was like he won the lottery but never picked up his winnings because he wanted to work for a living. Stupid and pointless.

It was halfway through the entree before I finally decided it was time to talk. All this sidestepping around was starting to get on my nerves. I opened my eyes as wide as I could and licked my lips to make them look kissable. Let's see if he could say no when something this amazing was sitting right in front of him.

"I'm so glad that we're finally dating," I started, running my finger down the hand he had on the table. "I've never felt this way for anyone before."

"Oh, well," Pha cleared his throat, moving his hand away again. Couldn't this guy get a clue? "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Is there something I can do for you?" I licked my lips again, looking at him seductively. Fine, I could be more obvious. "I'd do anything to keep my boyfriend happy."

He swallowed nervously and looked at me with confusion. I'd heard he was the kind of guy to jump to sex first and ask questions later, so why was it taking him so long to catch on? His reputation must be a complete fabrication.

"What can I do to make you feel good, baby?" I asked, moving under the table until I was rubbing my foot on his leg gently.

"That's the thing, Pring," Pha said, giving me an embarrassed glance as he moved just out of my reach, "I'm really sorry, but I think there's been a misunderstanding."

"What kind of misunderstanding?" I bit out. He looked at me questioningly. I couldn't let my temper get the better of me. I had to be sweet and innocent, then he'd realize I was the one he wanted.

"It's just that I'm already dating someone else," he replied, looking a little more sure of himself.

He wasn't seriously going to dump me over some queer kid! This could not be happening! Using my nails, I pinched my leg under my skirt, just hard enough to make my eyes tear up from the pain. Then I looked up at him with vulnerable eyes and made my voice as shaky as I could manage, "You don't want me?"

He leaned over to pat my back, "Don't get me wrong, you're wonderful, but I already love someone else."

"S-someone else?" I asked. This was not going the way I wanted. Time to pull out the big guns. I pinched my leg harder and allowed the tears to fall. "But Pha, what about that night in the hotel?"

"I was drunk," he explained quickly, sounding a little desperate. Good, he's one of those men who can't stand to see a girl cry. I took his hand and this time he didn't pull away.

"I stayed with you almost all night, taking care of you. Shouldn't you take responsibility?"

"Well," he hesitated, "we didn't actually do anything. I fell asleep. So why would I need to take responsibility?"

"What about my feelings, Pha? Don't you feel anything for me?"

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean for this to happen," he said, pulling his hand away. "Can we still be friends?"

"F-friends?" I kept up my look of hurt and innocence. "Okay, Pha. I love you, so if someone else can make you happy then I won't get in your way."

My tears kept falling, as I thought about what was happening. I couldn't believe it, but I knew better than to push too hard now. If Pha really wanted to keep dating that cheating whore, then I couldn't stop him. He'd just have to pay the price when he realized that his chance with me was gone.

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