38. No Time Like the Present

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Wayo's POV

The ocean waves beat upon the shore, echoing the sound of my heart. It was calming and exactly what I needed. Ming sat to my left, squishing his toes in the sand while I looked at the shells that littered the beach. We settled into our 4 bedroom villa at a private resort owned by my father. It was his personal villa, they never booked it for guests, so when our fingers pointed to Phuket on the map, we already knew where we would stay. We'd been here so often in the past 10 years that it was practically home.

It was the perfect place to go when I needed a break from the real world. Our villa was beautiful, quiet, had plenty of space, all the comforts of home, plus my favorite chef who knew just how I liked my food. It also had a private beach and built in security so my team didn't have to spend the entire day trying to set up cameras and train the staff. I'm not going to lie, it's nice having a lot of money.

"Should we swim in the pool or the ocean?" Ming asked, standing and wiping the sand from his backside. I did the same and looked at my watch. Dinner would be soon.

"Let's swim in the pool tonight," I replied. "That way Kao can relax a little and no one has to run to the beach to find us for dinner."

We walked back up to our villa, which was only about 20 feet away and rinsed off the sand before diving into the pool. I was just coming back up for a breath when my vision started to blur.

I was standing in the street, just outside the resort. A man stood beside me, giving his phone a blank stare. I looked over, the phone was open to his lock screen, indicating that he'd been standing there, staring, for awhile. I read the screen, 10:12 AM, Monday, October 14. A truck was coming toward us, honking loudly, but the man never looked up. I stepped away, yelling and urging him to move with me.

The truck kept coming, but must have realized the person in the street was too close and not moving. I could hear the hiss of the brakes and the screeching of the tires, struggling to comply with the driver who was attempting to stop in time. The truck had almost come to a stop, just a few feet from the man when several things happened at once. A loud slamming noise finally caught the attention of the man, and the truck was now moving again, knocked forward by a car from behind.

The man's eyes widened in fear, but he wasn't able to move. Like a deer caught in the headlights, he waited for the end. Not that he could have moved fast enough to avoid the collision, it was already too late. The grill of the truck rammed into his body and catapulted him forward at least five feet after the impact. I looked down at the blood on the man who laid by my feet, hoping he wasn't dead, but empty eyes stared back at me. He never had a chance.

I looked at his cell phone, shattered, just a few feet away and suddenly my lungs were on fire. I couldn't breathe. I grabbed my neck, but my body refused to take in air. My vision started to blur again and I found myself being lifted out of the pool by Kao and Ming as I tried to inhale much needed oxygen. After sputtering, burning coughs that pushed the water out, I was able to take in quick gasps of air.

"Yo! Are you okay?" Ming yelled when I finally took a deep breath. I looked up at my best friend, he was soaking wet from the pool and tears streamed down his already dripping face. I nodded my head yes to answer his question and he pulled me into his arms, "Don't ever do that to me again. I've never been so scared."

"I-I didn't d-do it on purpose," I sputtered out, throat still sore from my desperate coughing fit. A heavy body grabbed me from the back. Kao was hugging me from behind, holding back what sounded like sobs. He wasn't given to big displays of affection, but I must have worried him too. I reached my arm around behind the head that was resting on my shoulder and gave him what passed for a hug in this position. "I'm okay. Thanks to you two."

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