46. Facing Demons

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Phana's POV

Friday night's meeting with our friends didn't go that well. Everyone objected to using Yo as bait to catch Park. For once, Ming was on my side and refused all the ideas that Yo came up with. There might not have been any hard evidence against Park, but Joss told us enough to know that he would hurt Yo if he got a chance and not one of us wanted to see that happen. The idea of someone like Park touching my baby made me sick to my stomach.

Yo tossed around a couple of ideas, but luckily nothing came out of it. So we decided to let Korn try for another week and wait for now. Yo wanted everyone to think of ways to find out what Park was up to, but at least for now, I could relax. I knew we'd have to think about it more, but right now, I really just wanted more time alone with my baby.

My reward from a few days ago had been just enough to make me ache for more. His lips on me, the way he licked my body before his mouth surrounded my most sensitive of parts, brought a rush of emotion, a temporary release, and an overwhelming certainty that I'd never get enough of him.

"Did you want to stay the night?" Yo asked me as he got ready for bed. I nodded and he smiled. He'd already made the assumption that I would stay, because honestly I'd slept in his room as often as possible recently. It wasn't just because I wanted to taste him, it was also because I loved our quiet moments together. When we brushed our teeth and got ready for bed and laid down and talked about our day before closing our eyes and sleeping. Those moments might not have been anything important, but to me they were special because we were just being ourselves together.

Tomorrow was our big day together. I had everything planned. My entire list didn't get checked off, but everything that I could reasonably do was prepared. We'd have breakfast together at a small cafe that he loved, where I had already pre-ordered his favorites. Then we'd go to a manga festival/convention that Yo had been talking about for a few weeks. Then lunch at a small eatery nearby. After that, we'd go get some ice cream and go to the aquarium. Finally, we'd have dinner at a restaurant that had a beautiful view of the night sky. We'd take a walk around, holding hands and enjoying the night air. There were roses and chocolates being delivered at strategic times. Then when he was relaxed and happy and tired, I'd invite him to spend Sunday at my house (and meet my parents).

"You're really quiet tonight," Yo said, sitting down on the bed. "Is there anything wrong?"

"No, I'm just thinking," I answered, finishing with my nighttime preparations and sitting next to Yo. Truth be told, I didn't want to risk him saying no about meeting my parents. I pulled him closer to me and hugged him. There was still that nagging feeling that he was holding something back, that maybe he didn't trust me yet. I tried to forget it, but it came to my mind every time I imagined moving forward in our relationship.

Yo pulled back from me a little, his eyes clouded with worry, "There's something really important that I have to tell you. But I'm nervous about telling you."

"You can tell me anything," I replied, wanting to kiss his worry away. I hated when Yo was sad, it felt like even the sky wanted to cry. I took his hands in mine, watching his face. "I want you to trust me."

"I do trust you, Pha," Yo said, looking up at me nervously. He took a few deep breaths and then continued, "There's really no other way to say this, so I'm just going to tell you. Do me a favor? Try to keep an open mind about this."

"Okay," I said, wondering what he could possibly say that would make him doubt my reaction. I loved him, whatever it was, I would still love him.

"You know how you sometimes comment that I somehow know exactly what you want?" Yo asked quietly. "Like I know what you're thinking?"

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