44. Family

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Wayo's POV

I laid, curled up with Pha on my bed, last night still fresh in my thoughts. I'd done things I'd never done. Felt things that I had only ever dreamt. Holding Pha, his touch and taste were better than I had imagined. There were some small issues I would have to deal with, of course. New wasn't happy, luckily he hadn't walked in until after we were both cleaned up and Pha was asleep. I'd just smiled shyly at his surprise. It was a good thing that New was on duty after Joss left, I don't think Joss or Kao would have been as reasonable about finding Pha in my bed.

Shifting under Pha's heavy arms, I tried to move without waking him. I had morning classes, but he'd want to sleep because he had late labs all week. Unfortunately, every move I made to free myself seemed to entangle me further. If I moved my leg, he rolled so he was further on top of me. If I shifted my hips away from him, he threw his leg over the top of me, stopping my progress. His hands were roaming over my body while he slept, pulling me closer. His nose and lips pushed into my neck, sniffing and humming.

"Pha, I have to get ready for class," I said, giving up my efforts to get free without waking him.

"I know," Pha said, his lips beginning to nip at my neck. Was he awake? Pulling back as far as I could go, I saw his grin as he hugged me tightly, refusing to let me move further. "Good morning, baby."

"Good morning," I sighed, giving into his mood for a minute. I turned into him, kissing down his neck as he had mine. "I have to get ready for class."

"Do you have time to meet me for lunch?" Pha asked as I got up and headed to the bathroom. "I can come to your canteen."

"Your break is shorter than mine, I'll meet you at your canteen," I said and shut the bathroom door behind me.

I took a shower and got dressed, when I came out Pha was sleeping again. I left him a short note with an "I love you." Then headed to my first class. By the time lunch came around I was starving, so I quickly went to the Medical Faculty canteen and ordered something. Pha's class wouldn't be out for a few minutes.

Joss was working on something for my dad, so he sat a few seats away, using his laptop. Just as I was going to start eating, Pring came and sat down across from me. She'd never sat with me before and barely knew me, so I was surprised, but I smiled. Pha said he'd hurt her feelings when he rejected her, so I thought I should be nice. But it didn't seem like she felt the same way.

"You must think you're something special," Pring said, quiet voice filled with venom. "I thought that photo would make Pha think twice about his absurd infatuation. Going in to a hotel with two boys? You're disgusting."

"You're the one who sent that photo to Pha?" I asked. What could she have against me? I barely knew her.

"Of course I did," she continued, slightly louder this time. "It almost worked too. Pha saw the kind of trash he had mistakenly fallen for. He should have been with me. I don't know how you got him to forgive you, but I guess some people are just too far gone for me to save them."

"You thought you were saving him from me?" I asked, surprised.

"Of course, Pha's an intelligent, handsome man, but anyone can get confused," Pring asserted. "Especially after the way you've been flaunting yourself in front of him."

"So you wanted us to break up? But why, what did I ever do to you?"

"What did you do? You took Pha. Men shouldn't be together! Do you know how long I've waited for him?" Pring gave me a hard look. "Don't worry, he's made it clear that he wants you. But when he realizes how foolish he's been, he'll dump you. I'll be the one he regrets losing and you'll be just another mistake, like all the other tramps he's been with before."

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