10. Gathering Intel

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Phana's POV

Yo was driving me to distraction. It took everything I had to deny myself when all I wanted to do was take him into my arms and kiss him. I knew that I couldn't do that, I had to make him understand my feelings and court him properly. If he hadn't been so sweet and innocent, I would not have been able to stop myself. Whenever my desire became too intense, I reminded myself that Yo deserved better. I might have spent a lot of time touching myself in the privacy of my room while thinking about him, but no one else needed to know that.

After just a few days at school, I understood just how much competition I was going to have for Yo's heart. People from all over campus came up to greet him at every opportunity. Everyone smiled and waved at him, earning shy smiles and waves in return. On top of that, he was always surrounded by friends. Forth and Ming almost never left him alone. Classes hadn't even started and he was already the talk of the university.

I was currently hiding behind a bush, watching Yo for the third day in a row. It's been less than a week since we met and though we do spend time together, I have taken to following him secretly whenever I can.

It started when I was going to meet my friends for lunch on the day of my disastrous attempt to ask Yo on a movie date. I saw Yo walking through the parking lot. He was alone, which was rare, so I wanted to catch up to him. Just before I called out to him, something caught his attention and he ran ahead in a burst of speed. I continued to watch as he stopped next to a young lady and whispered something in her ear. Did Yo have a girlfriend?

My heart dropped into my stomach, and I was sure my hopes were coming to a crashing end, but when Yo finished whispering to her, I saw her reach up and feel the back of her skirt. Her skirt was bunched up, tucked into the top of her underwear, exposing her backside. Yo stepped behind her, using his body and backpack to block any view of her as she quickly fixed her skirt. She turned around and thanked him, her face red from embarrassment. He gave her a kind smile and walked away, apparently heading to his original destination.

That was the beginning of my obsession. Not that I hadn't been crazy about him before, but now I'm not just enticed by his adorable face and shy smile. I'm also obsessed with watching all the amazing things he does that other people don't really notice. Which brings me back to the bush and my current position hiding behind it.

Yo is walking with Ming, talking animatedly about something that I can't really hear. They've been shopping at the mall and I'd had to remain unseen by running like a mad man, slipping into shops, and occasionally hiding behind signs or potted plants. Yes, I'm a lunatic.

They are walking to Ming's car when Yo hands his unfinished pink milk to Ming and runs up to an elderly lady who is struggling with her bags. She's attempting to open the trunk of her car, but can't seem to do it with her hands full of bags. She tried putting the bags down, but it looks as though their handles have tangled around her arms.

"May I help, Ma'am?" Yo asked politely.

"Would you mind?" she asked. "I can't seem to get this sorted out."

Yo takes the keys from her hands, opens the trunk quickly and begins helping to untangle her arms, gently putting her bags into the trunk.

"Is there anything else I can do to help?" Yo asked. He is so adorable!

"No, that's all. Thanks," the lady said, looking tired.

"Ma'am, I did something for you. Don't I deserve a reward?" Yo asked to my utter disbelief. But before the Earth could stop spinning, Yo continued, "Surely you have a smile to give as payment."

The lady looked at him for a moment and then laughed. He smiled in return and said, "Have a nice day, Ma'am. Thank you for the smile. You made my day brighter."

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