47. Missing Pieces

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Wayo's POV

"Can we go any faster?" I asked, urgency fueling my mood. Jae's call had pushed me into action, especially when I heard the fear in Jae's voice. To be honest, I was grateful to focus my energies on this. After the way Pha had left, I wasn't sure if he would ever come back. But I didn't have time to think about losing him, I had to someone to save.

As soon as we arrived, I texted Jae that we were waiting and we parked right in front of the door. A few minutes later, a burst of noise accompanied the opening of the door, it looked like the bar was packed tonight. Jae was holding up what looked like a sleep-walking Zee.

"Thanks for coming, Yo," Jae said, shoving his brother into New's arms. "I don't know how I would have gotten Zee into a cab by myself."

"Park finally left you alone then?" I asked, making sure they were fine.

"He kept bugging me until I got your message," Jae said, annoyance overcoming his fear now that they were safe. "If he was really the man he pretends to be, he would have at least helped me carry Zee out here when he knew we had another ride. He kept pretending he was just trying to help. If it wasn't for the way he treated me after that night, I might believe he was a good person."

"I'm glad you're safe," I answered his tirade calmly. "Let's get you two home."

"You're the best," Jae said, smiling at me with his sweet girl look. I don't know how he did it, but even though he didn't appear to be wearing makeup and he was definitely wearing boys clothes, he somehow managed to look feminine. He started helping New get Zee settled in the car, but then looked at me. "Oh no! I forgot our dorm keys on the bar, would you mind grabbing them for me? The keychain says, 'Hot mess.'"

New still had his hands full, so I nodded to Ming, who followed me inside. We looked at the bar, but didn't see any keys. Ming had to yell to be heard over the noise, "I'll check with the bartender, go back to the car."

I nodded my understanding and headed in the direction of the door. There were so many people that I was started to feel suffocated. Before I could reach the door, a rush of people forced me to take a step back, then there was a sharp prick on my neck, and I felt myself falling. Rough hands holding me tightly was the last thing I remembered before everything went dark.

Phana's POV

I was trying to talk to Yo, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't open my mouth. He kept asking me to talk to him, to say anything, but when I wouldn't respond, he started to cry. When he walked away, I tried following, but Ming pushed me back, telling me that I'd made Yo cry again. I wanted to fight for Yo, punching Ming, but suddenly my fists met air. I was laying down and someone was throwing dirt on top of me.

I tried to get up, but the dirt was so heavy. Every shovelful hit me, weighing me down and filling my hair and eyes. I tried to wipe my eyes, tried to see Yo, only to find myself completely buried. When I opened my mouth to scream, dirt rushed in, blocking my airway. I coughed and sputtered, using my fingers to try to dig my way free. I was buried alive and suffocating!

I jerked up, looking around my room in confusion and fear. A dream. It was just a dream, I told myself as I took deliberately slow, deep breaths. After my heart finally calmed, I thought back over my dream. It was my own fault I was feeling so anxious this morning. Last night, I'd ignored Yo and walked away.

I'd just needed some time to process, but I'd seen his tears. I hadn't meant to hurt him, I should have told him that I wanted time to think, my Yo would have understood. But I'd walked away, completely ignoring him while he cried.

That last dream hadn't been that helpful, but my rest had been. I'd gotten my head on straight. I didn't know exactly what Yo could do with his ability to read minds and see the future, but it didn't matter. I knew the kind of person he was. I loved him and I didn't care about the rest. We were both men, I knew people would judge us, but that wasn't important. Yo's family had money and influence that my family could only dream about. Some people would surely say I wanted him for his money, but that didn't bother me. We were too young to get married, everyone would talk, but again, that didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was Yo.

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