41. Back to Reality

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Phana's POV

My door was open just a crack and I sat in a chair next to it, determined to be there as soon as Yo came back from his trip. Maybe I should have been willing to give him more time, but I hadn't seen him since he left on Saturday and I really needed to talk to him.

"Thanks, Kao," I heard Yo in the hallway and immediately ran out of my room to meet him. Kao was opening Yo's door, while Yo followed behind, a small bag in his hand.

The first thing I noticed was that Yo's face did not light up when he saw me. I shouldn't have been expecting his smile, but it was the response I desperately wanted every time. Before the whole situation with Pring, I was starting to depend on that smile from him to get me through my day.

The second thing I noticed is the way Kao pushed Yo behind him, blocking him from my view. I was immediately annoyed, but swallowed it down. After everything that was my fault, I couldn't really expect anyone to want me in Yo's life again.

"Can I talk to you, Yo?" I asked, trying to see around Kao. Before he could answer, Kao told him to go inside and pointed to my room.

"We'll talk first."

"Wait for me," Ming said. I hadn't noticed him standing outside his own door. I really didn't want to take the time to talk to them, but I couldn't refuse. Yo gave me a little, sad smile, and walked into his room, closing the door behind him.

Ming, Kao, and I walked into my room. I shut the door and turned to look at them, a little afraid about what was coming. Last time I'd hurt Yo, Ming had shown me a vicious side of himself that I was definitely not excited to see again, but it didn't look like I was going to have a choice.

"You tie his arms, I've got the gag," Ming said, moving in front of me.

Shit! I tried to run back to the door, knowing that Yo would at least save me from death, but Ming just grabbed my arm and started laughing.

"It was a joke, idiot," Ming said, rolling his eyes. "Not that you don't deserve to be beaten to death, after what you did to my friend."

I started to talk, wanting to explain, but Kao interrupted, "Just shut up. This time, we're going to talk and you're going to listen."

"Oka...," I started, only to be interrupted by Kao again, "I'm serious about you shutting up. Your voice gets on my nerves."

Keeping quiet this time, I nod acceptance. At least they aren't actually tying me up.

"I told you before that I don't like you," Ming said, pushing me to sit on my bed while he and Kao stood in front of me, "but I can't kill you, because Yo likes you. I've thought about burying your body and pretending I don't know where you went, but Yo would eventually find out. So I can't."

"Don't get comfortable, pretty boy, because if we can find a way to have you killed without Yo finding out that we're behind it," Kao said, sounding serious, "you're as good as dead."

I looked up at both of them, they really did look serious. I'm pretty sure this is the first genuine death threat I've ever received. I gulped a little while they both stood over me.

"This is the last time you hurt Yo," Kao said, his voice harsh and his eyes angry.

"We know he's going to give you a chance to explain," Ming said, sounding annoyed, "and he'll probably tell you that he understands and just wants to find a way to trust each other."

Kao grunted in agreement, "But we don't care about your reasons. Whatever excuse you make will not be enough for either of us. So this is your last chance, whether Yo forgives you or not."

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