32. Speak Your Mind

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Ming's POV

Why did I decide to be an Engineering major? I should have chosen Art. I could paint, sort of. Engineering involved Math. Why did I think this was a good idea? Do you need a degree to become an actor? Or I could go into security and become one of Yo's bodyguards. He would always need more people to protect him. Then I wouldn't have to study so late every night and I could spend more time with my KitKat.

I was already crazy about that man. I don't know what was the best part: his adorable face and that sexy dimple or the way he licked the corner of his mouth when he was concentrating or how he acted grumpy whenever he was embarrassed. Everything about him just made me want to jump him.

Of course, we had our troubles. Namely Pha and Beam. Those two were a real problem. I couldn't figure out why Yo had such a soft spot for Pha. The guy was a dick. I wasn't even surprised by what he'd done. I didn't like it, but it wasn't surprising. It was exactly what a guy like him would do. Yo forgave him, but I still don't like him and I wasn't about to trust him either.

I used to think Beam was a decent guy. A little too smart-alecky for my taste, but someone you could be friends with. Not so much. The best I could say for him now was that he was loyal. Mistakenly loyal. Beam hurt Yo's feelings and he was an ass to my favorite cousin. Add those two things together and Beam is top on my "People I May Have to Kill" list, just before Pha.

Unfortunately for me, both of them happened to be Kit's best friends. Forget trying to make plans to hang out as a group. Yo wants to spend time with Forth and me, but he's forgiven Pha, so Pha wants to be there too. I put up with that because I love Yo. I wanted Kit with me all the time, but if we invite Pha and Kit, we have to invite Beam. Every time we did, it was so uncomfortable.

Forth doesn't want to see Beam and Yo is still having a hard time with him too. But Beam doesn't realize he's persona non grata and neither Pha nor Kit are aware of what Beam's done. It's all so frustrating. Every time we get together it's like walking on broken glass, just waiting to get cut. Will Kit still like me if I go bald from pulling all my hair out or prematurely gray from all the stress?

"What are you doing?" Kit asked me as we sat in silence in my dorm room. I was supposed to be studying, but the strain of knowing that everyone was meeting here in a few minutes was stealing my concentration.

"Studying," I answered him, picking up one of my textbooks to verify my words. I looked at it, trying to focus, but my mind wasn't cooperating.

"You're holding it upside down," Kit said, rolling his eyes. He looked at me suspiciously for a minute before he asked, "What's bothering you?"

And now he's asked the question I didn't want him to ask. If I don't tell him the truth, then when he eventually finds out, he'll be upset that I lied and hurt that I didn't tell him. But if I answer him, he's going to feel like he has to chose sides and that is the one thing that Yo and I were trying to avoid.

Beam sucks. Somewhere in my head, I'm aware that it isn't entirely Beam's fault, but it's a very small part of my brain and I'm too annoyed to listen to that part of me right now. So I'm blaming Beam and I'm 89.2% sure he deserves it. Yes, that specific. I did the damn Math.

"I'm waiting," Kit said, giving me an annoyed look. Why did he always insist on talking when I was upset? Couldn't I just sit here and hate Beam in peace?

"I don't want Beam to come," I blurted out, finally answering him when he flicked me on the forehead. Ouch!

"We have to study," Kit said, a grumpy sigh escaping his mouth. "Even if no one comes over, we're not making out all night, Ming."

My Little Mind ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora