33. The New Normal

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Phana's POV

As soon as Yo walked out of Ming's room, I followed him. I didn't know what was going on, but I knew that something big just happened. Beam never lost his cool like that, he always figured out a way to turn a bad situation to his advantage. What was happening between Beam and Forth and what had Beam said to Yo that he needed to be embarrassed about?

I was only a moment behind Yo, so I walked into his room before it even closed all the way. What I found was annoying, but I held back the jealousy I felt. Yo was crying, holding onto Joss, who looked confused and was gently rubbing his back.

"Yo?" I asked, coming up behind him. I wanted to take him in my arms, to soothe him the way Joss was doing, but he wasn't even looking at me. "What happened back there?"

"Why don't you let me handle this?" Joss asked, giving me a hard look. It wasn't really a question, it was a command. He hadn't forgiven me for what I'd put Yo through and I knew he didn't want me here. The door opened and closed when Forth came into the room.

"Are you okay?" Forth asked, standing behind Yo. Joss let go and Yo turned to give Forth a hug. I swallowed my anger at that, knowing that jealousy wouldn't help. Before I screwed everything up, I know Yo would have turned to me, but now I had to be patient. I had to earn his trust again and it wouldn't happen if I freaked out every time he hugged someone else.

"I'm sorry I got so angry," Yo said, giving Forth a guilty look. "I shouldn't have done that."

"He deserved worse," Forth said, holding onto my Yo. What did Forth mean? What had Beam done? "I just need to know that you're okay."

"I'll be fine," Yo said, letting him go. Forth gave him a look, a question in his eyes. I just stood there, watching their interaction. If I didn't know better I would say Forth was in love with my baby. Wait, do I know better? I felt my jealousy start to rise again, but I held back with an iron determination. I'd learned my lesson, I had to trust my love. Yo continued looking at Forth, then finally said, "I didn't say anything that wasn't true. He really cares about you. He's just scared that if you really knew him, you would leave."

"He's afraid I'm going to reject him some day, so he'd rather just never have a chance?" Forth said, sounding frustrated. "That's just stupid."

"Don't judge him too harshly," Yo said, giving Forth a sympathetic look.

"Whatever. I gotta get this homework done. I'm going home," Forth said, sighing as he turned to go. "Call me if you need anything."

"Forth?" Yo said, stopping him at the door. "For Beam it's more than just fear of rejection. There's a lot of history behind those feelings. Talk to him."

"Ming was right," Forth said, turning back to smile at Yo. "You're too damn forgiving."

I just stood there like a fool, their whole conversation was too confusing for me. Why would Yo need to forgive Beam in the first place? What was going on with Beam and Forth? Why did Yo seem to know more about my friends than I did?

"Yo?" I started again, hoping I could finally get his attention. I was trying to be patient, but I would really like to get some answers and I was tired of watching him hug other people.

"I said I could handle this," Joss said, moving in front of Yo. Stupid bodyguard. Even a saint wouldn't be expected to take this much.

"It's okay, Joss," Yo said, taking my hand and pulling me to the couch. My jealousy cooled with his touch. I took a deep, calming breath. I just needed to know he was still mine. "There are some things I need to explain to Pha."

For some reason, Joss seemed upset by that statement, and gave Yo a long look. I knew Joss didn't like me that much anymore, but did he seriously think Yo shouldn't talk to me about problems with my friends?

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