The gang's instagram {Preference}

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I need requests! Please just place one in the comments thanks!

Ponyboy- Pony posts pictures of books, archivments, sunsets, and inspiring quotes. His media is private. The gang, other people he knows follows him. He follows the gang, people he follows the Gang, Randy, Robert Frost, authors, and some other writers.

Johnny- Johnny posts things like inspirational quotes, Cute animals, and other random things. His account is private. People who follow him are The gang, And someother greasers. People he follows are the gang, and some poets.

Dally- Dally posts his selfies, beer and mix drinks, the gang, and some other greasers. His account is public. People who follow him are the gang, a ton of random girls, some other greasers. People he follows is the gang, greasers, Buck, and Cherry which is still pending to accept.

Sodapop- Soda posts some cars he works on, his selfies, video tutorials of him and Steve fixing cars. His account is public. People who follow him are The gang, a bunch of girls from the DX, and Sandy.
He follows The gang, and car mechanics. 2

Steve- Steve posts some nice cars he fixed, h chocolate cake, the DX. His account is public. People who follow him are The gang, car mechanics, customers. He follows The gang, random greasers, car mechanics.

Darry- He posts The gang, his brothers, the gangs achievements. His account is private. People who follow him are The gang, Paul (The soc), Tim. People he follows are The gang, Tim, and Paul (Soc).

Twobit- Twobit posts his selfies, Mickey, Beer. His account is public. People who follow him are The gang, Random Mickey enthusiasts, Marcia. People he follows are The gang, Disney, Marcia,  random mickey enthusiasts.

Hi guys! I am so happy!! I got 1k views!!! I thought I would get like none! Thank Y'all so much!!!!

I accidentally forgot to put Twobit Sorry! I added him in the update so sorry to Y'all Twobit fans!

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