Chapter 19- Night drive

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A/N: I would like to thank Keara Graves, YouTube influencer, for inspiring this chapter. Without her, I wouldn't have found part of what to write. Hope you like my writing skills and please don't forget to vote and share. Thank you.

Life is a series of disappointments...
Broken only... dark spells of depression....

For this chapter, listen to Red by Alex Goot.

"So you finally remember to come back home, huh?" My mum mumbled immediately I stepped inside the house.

I stopped so I could face her. "Mum, not now. I'm really not in the mood for this drama."

"This is no drama...So where've you been all these two weeks? You got a house?" She evilly smirked at me.

"No I didn't. Now can I go to my room?" I asked impatiently.

"Aren't you going to have dinner? or you already did."

"I'm fine."

With that, I climbed the stairs to my room.

I sat on the floor and thought. Why did Yosef just leave like that without telling me? Was he still angry at me? Probably yes.

I picked out my phone from my jean pocket and tried calling him. I got happy since it was now on, but he didn't pick up. I redialed his number and after four rings, he picked up.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey. I went back to your house this evening, but you weren't there."

"Yeah, I'm not. Was something wrong?"

"Not really....but....why did you leave for New York and didn't tell me?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, it slipped my mind." He sounded like he didn't care.

"Seriously. Are you still mad at me?"

"No, why would I? I just wanted to go on a trip alone. That was all."

"Ok, fine.... Guess I just miss you." I uttered truthfully.

"Ok, cool. Anyway Xhey, talk to you later. I'm a little busy right now."

"Oh..with what?"

"Work. Bye."


I sighed and hang up the call.

Immediately a message popped up on my phone and it was from Kylie. I opened it...and oh my God, my heart felt broken. I couldn't believe my eyes. Yosef was with another girl and they were kissing in this video.

My eyes dripped with tears. My walls, the walls that held me up, made me strong, just....collapsed. Moment by moment, they fell. Salty drops fell from my chin, drenching my shirt. Perhaps these tears would help wash the blood out.

I looked back at the video, and with anger, I threw my phone on the other side of my bedroom. I pressed my head against the bed...why do I deserve this? I trembled. I can't-couldn't stop. Even as I folded my hands on my sheets, they shook, they trembled. It was raw, everything, raw tears, raw emotions. I couldn't stop.... I just couldn't stop. Why couldn't I stop crying?

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