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Ugh I was getting so impatient not seeing Rico.. "OH MY GOD MR.JOHNSON CAN I BE EXCUSED?!" He looked up from his work. "Yes." I walked out of class when I saw my friend Tyla. "Tyla come here!" She turned around and started walking towards me. "Hey ki. What's wrong?" I sat down on the bench. "I'm waiting to see my boyfriend." She looked at me surprisingly. "Who?!" I rolled my eyes. "Ugh you know." She shook her head no . "Rico Lopez." Her eyes got big. "Najah or whatever her name is.... Is in the same general block as me and Rico , she's been flirting with him all day." I swear my face turned bright red in anger. "What gb class you in?!!" She got up. " Dr.Shurk" . I got up too. "What time y'all getting out?" She started walking. " Any second now." The bell starting to ring, when I saw najah laughing at Rico and touching his shoulder he saw me but I was furious. " BYE TYLA!!!" I stormed off walking to next block. My face was red and hot. I wanted to beat her ass right then and there. What the fuck was Rico thinking? Was all of that fake? I thought what we had was special.... " I'm here Dr.Shurman......" He looked surprised? "What's wrong kilo? you're usually happy and loud but now you're quiet and sad?" I put my head down. "It's nothing Sr. I just need my space." He backed off and Rico came in the class and immediately sat down beside me. "Kilo.. It wasn't even like that." I looked up... My face still red and burning hot. "Oh it wasn't? You know what I don't know why I thought we could have had something. You just wanted to get in my pants but when I didn't let you... You know what just leave me alone Rico." He started to feel bad. " Kilo no no nooo I never wanted to get in your pants why won't you believe me. I like you so much and you honestly think that I would cheat on you with her? I mean look at you then look at her... I never meant to make you sad, and you're face is red af and it's all because of me. Kilo you know I didn't mean to hurt you. There is nothing going on between me and nahja. I promise ." I wanted to cry but I kept my composure. "you know I don't like nahja. She did that just so she can get under my skin. Baby , if you would just let me fight her.. I would be okay. He shook his head no. " Why would I let you fight a bitch that ain't worth fighting? I want you and only you. have you got cheated on?" I shook my head yes. " Well I'm not him you can open up to me and let me take the wheel.. I promise you I won't let you down kilo. I would never cheat on you with a basic ass bitch when I got a whole dime piece right here who's a ten inside and out." I smiled. "That's sweet. I want you to come home with me and meet my mom ... And my dad if he's home." He smiled. "Okay." Dr.Shurman must have knew we was fixing some relationship problems so he let us in the hallway. " Let's take a picture Rico." He agreed and we took some pictures together. "I don't wanna lose you." I looked at him. "You won't lose me as long as you do what you need to do , and lose your player ways and just be with me." He was getting annoyed. "Why can you see that I want you..." I held his hand. "I believe you , I just wanted to see how bad you wanted to be with me." I smiled and he smiled . We kissed and we went back to class only to see that nahja was in there. "Ugh lord why is she in here." I looked at her sideways. " Bitch this my class why the fuck you in here?! You know what I'm tired of your shit. And you been trying to fuck with my nigga. You know what lemme just beat the shit outta your face. I got up and tried to swing on her but Rico held me back. "No Rico let me go I'm not about to just sit here and let her talk shit!! That ain't me!!" He sat me down. "She ain't worth it...." Nahja stood up. "Oh I'm not worth it? I surely was worth it yesterday won't I... Oops ?" Everyone looked at me. "BITCH HOW DUMB CAN YOU BE EVERYONE KNOWS THAT I WENT HOME WITH MY BABY LAST NIGHT YOU A FUCKING GOOFY!" After I said that I told her to meet me out Yorkshire.. "Baby you not fighting no goofy ass wanna be bitch!" Rico said. "But she--" Rico cut me off. " But nothing. You not fighting her stupid ass... We gone do us baby." After that nahja got quiet as fuck , and I flirted with my boyfriend in front if her face. It felt good to know what your boyfriend supports you throughout every step.

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