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"I want to start the writing class with this question

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"I want to start the writing class with this question. What is your dream?" Ha Yun announced it to the class.

"Ssaem! That is a question for kiddies." said Leo, annoyed with the lame topic..

"Ne, Ssaem. You should ask us what is our parents' dream instead." Jeong Min joked,followed by laughter by some students at the snide comment.

"Enough." putting a stop to the spontaneous comments before it threw the class into the chaos of personal comments.

"Having and talking about dreams is important because it makes life worth living. And." Ha Yun paused to look at Jeong Min. "You shouldn't live someone else's dream."

     She focused her attention back to the whole class. "Think about your dream, what is it and why do you have this dream and write it down in your writing journal. I will choose a few students to share to the class. Understand?"

"Yes." the class responded in unison. Clearly accepting the fact that they had to write about this topic despite their hesitation.

     Hye Jin hand shot up as the class began to settle down to start on the assignment.

"Yes, Hye Jin."

"Seonsaengnim, what if I don't have my own dream? I can't think of any dream right now." she said scratching her non itchy head.

"What is your ambition? She snickered guiltily, "My ambition changes everyday. I follow what my parents or friends want."

"Then, what do you love the most in the world?" Ha Yun asked again.

"My family."

"Then, start thinking about what kind of thing you want to do for your family to show how much you love them. That can be your dream as a start." Ha Yun suggested to her.

    Hye Jin thought for a moment before a smile spread on her face. "Okay, seonsaengnim. I understand." 

    Her eyes twinkled in delight as she opened her book and scrambled for her pen. Her delight was contagious that Ha Yun couldn't help but grinned back.

    As Ha Yun went around the class to guide some students who were stuck, she observed how much potential and innocence these youngsters have. From wanting to be the most successful and the richest person to the one that was satisfied to have a happy and peaceful life in the countryside.

    This was why Ha Yun liked being around children. They were innocent and pure. Their souls were not overshadowed by the darkness of the world yet.

"Ssaem, I want to be a singer. I love to sing." Soo-Jin once said it to Ha Yun excitedly. 

     Soo-Jin was a 13 years old resident at the orphanage Ha Yun frequently volunteered at. She found Soo-Jin's presence like a breath of fresh air and she was instinctively drawn to her. Soo-Jin's face always lit up like a small sun whenever she recounted her life story of starting to sing at 4 years old. She had a nice voice indeed. With her talent and passion, Ha Yun was convinced that Soo-Jin would make it as she listened patiently to Soo-Jin's excited chatter. 

      Contrary to Ha Yun's belief, Soo-Jin's dream shattered at 15 years old, followed by her life soon after. Ha Yun hoped that the seed of dreams she encouraged the students to plant today will sprout and bloom vibrantly into the future. And she hoped no one would cover up their suns.

     After hearing some of the students' dreams Ha Yun continued with the rest of the writing activity with another more academically aligned topic.



Author's note: 

***I will put pictures of Ha Yun's outfit so we can appreciate fashion and understand Ha Yun's character.

***What is your dream? Do you have a big dream? Or are you like Hye Jin who is still searching for her dream? I am curious to know all of your dreams.

***Please like, comment and vote if you like my story. 


6.6.2020 UPDATED from "Then, what makes you happy?" to "Then, what do you love the most in the world?" because there is no greater motivator in the world than love.

THE SEER OF SOULS // KIM NAMJOONWhere stories live. Discover now