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Namjoon thought about Ha Yun's answer about love and as she was silent, he looked at her.

     She was looking at an abandoned path. The leaves held no sign of being threaded on. She checked her map, brought out a compass and checked her navigation watch. It was like a captain charting out a path to the unknown sea. When she turned around to face him, she had that mischievous smile again.

"I know what you are thinking, but we need to be rational here. No one was on this path. It might be dangerous."

"Do you trust me?"

     She held out her hand and smiled. There was no fear or confusion in her appearance. Just the sense of possibility.

    He tried to rationalize as he had been doing many things against his logic today and remembered her sentence before.

"The lost who was once lost, would never get lost again."

     Since he first saw her, he had never seen her getting lost. Not in her direction or in her life. She always knew where to go and where she had to be. Even if she made a wrong decision and got on a wrong path, she would always know how to get back. He, on the other hand, had felt so lost again and again wondering which direction he should go. He made the decision that day, when he took her hand, that he would make her his true north.

     As they explored the road not taken, he felt for the first time, the feeling of not being in control. It was scary at first, the thought of letting go and just surrender to his fate. He felt like falling into a bottomless pit of unknown darkness. His only guidance through this hazy otherworldly experience was this warm and gentle hand.

    Then, he felt a sense of lightness as everything seemed to click and fall into places. It was just like he was feeling around blindly in the maze and stumbled on a block path that he couldn't seem to push through.

     But as Ha Yun came in, she directed him to the correct path and he was able to find his way again. His once faltering steps started to quicken and now he was the one who was pulling her to get out from the path.

They arrived at the exit, panting and laughing.

"Have you found your way out?"

She looked at him with that knowing smile.

    He looked down at his palm. Her warmth still lingered and he clenched it to keep the sensation for a while longer. His heart felt warm and at ease. The smile came easy and light.

"I think I will be able to figure it out."

"Good. If you got stuck just let me know. I will lend my hand again. Two heads are better than one."

Then, they walked back to the annoyed VJ. She passed the drinks and snacks she bought earlier to him.

"You said you are just going to buy the drinks so I need to wait here. It has been three hours."

"I did buy you the stuff. I just didn't tell you when I will bring it to you. It took me a long detour to bring it back"

She reasoned with the annoyed and confused VJ.

     Namjoon knew that whenever he made any agreement with Ha Yun in the future, he needed to take care of all of the fine prints. If not, he would get hustled. 




***Yes, Namjoon, you better be careful when getting into bet with Ha Yun. She can hustle her way out.

***Have you ever imagine taking on the road that you wished you had taken but didn't? I will have a totally different life and in another country if I have taken that road.

***If you like this chapter please comment and vote. Thanks :-)

UPDATE 28/8/2020 -Edited the chapter length into two chapters

THE SEER OF SOULS // KIM NAMJOONWhere stories live. Discover now