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      "How did you know it is me?" Namjoon asked.

    Ha Yun turned to look at him. His thick and straight eyebrows creased closed together. His brilliant mind was coming up with all sorts of explanations. She smiled and shrugged.

"I just know you."

He nodded in understanding and offered her a drink.

"No, thank you. I don't drink."

"Are you worried about getting drunk?"

She shook her head.

"When I drink beer, to cover my fear, I can't see clear."

She didn't like to depend on liquid courage to have a meaningful connection with people.

"Okay. What are you doing here?" He asked looking around if there was something interesting.

"I am taking a breather. It can be suffocating at the center of the party. So, I come here to talk to the moon." she said, observing his reaction.

"You talk to the moon?"

He looked at her and without missing a beat, his curious childlike soul added.

"What does it say?"

     She smiled at his response. Her heart danced with relief. He was not being judgmental. Maybe a unicorn could have a conversation in this real world after all.

"It said, I am here, I heard you. I can see you. I understand you. I know you. The real you."

      She loved how his smile spread on his wide lips. The small mole barely visible highlighted the center of his lips. His earlier creases of worries cleared.

"So, it is okay to feel what you feel. I will keep shining bright to show you that everything will be alright."

    His eyes crinkled upwards into those half moons as he smiled and the ice around his soul cracked. They were looking at each other as the moon witnessed two souls find comfort in each other.

"I am weird, am I?" she asked nervously.

"Nah, I am crazy so we just work out alright."

She let out a breathy giggles. It had been so long since she met someone as weird as her.

"Yeah. I love crazy too." He grinned at her comment.

     His grin displayed his straight lines of teeth and his dimple made a clear indent. How come she didn't realize that adorable trait before? It was luring her in and her heart was pulled along. This grin was dangerously tempting. Suddenly, she felt the urge to trace her finger along the line of his lips towards that adorable dimple. The quiet night made it feel like they were the only one existing in the world. Even if she surrendered to her desire, no one would notice.

     But, she turned to look at the moon to clear her mind from unwanted thoughts. A wave of melancholy washed over her instead.

"But I pity the moon. People look up to it and admire it, and it gives light to the dark sky but it must be lonely up there in the sky looking down."

She stole a glance at him and he was looking at the moon too.

"I guess it can be lonely being so high up."

"Do you know what is the difference between the moon and the sun?" She asked.

"One produces light, another reflects the light."

"Yes. The sun is bright. People don't really have to find it. Even if you close your eyes, you can still feel the sun."

His blue eyes were on hers, observing and studying her. She added.

"But the moon is different. It only reflected the sun's light. Sometimes it is just dark. So, you have to find the moon. Only curious people who took the time out of their fast paced life can find the moon and appreciate its beauty. Usually they will do this when they are alone."

He nodded his head and said, "Lonely people got attracted to the moon. Because the moon is the same as them. Maybe that is why the term moonchild came about."

She added, "Lonely doesn't mean one doesn't have friends. You can still feel lonely in a sea of humans or even with your family."

She searched for his dark brown eyes and spoke directly to his soul.

"Kim Namjoon-ssi, true loneliness is when you feel like you didn't belong. No one understands or accepts you. You don't have a home."

"So, how do I find my home?"

"Keep asking questions and meeting new people. Because only after finding your home you can go wherever you want to go or climb as far as you want to reach. As long as you find someone that understands you, you know where you belong. You will always have a place to return to. You will always have a home."

His free spirited soul looked deep in thought. He wanted to be free but a kite without someone holding its string would eventually get lost in the wind.

"Have you found your home?" She peered through his blue eyes.

His dark brown eyed soul looked up and smiled.


They spent some time looking at the moon together keeping it company before going back inside.

She stayed beside him throughout the party and relaxed as she found he had gained back his usual charming energy. 



AUTHOR'S NOTE:***Raise your hands if you are a moonchild? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️***Have you ever felt lonely even when you are among friends or family?

***If you like this chapter please comment and vote. Thanks :-)

UPDATE 28/8/2020 -Edited the chapter length into two chapters

THE SEER OF SOULS // KIM NAMJOONWhere stories live. Discover now