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      Ha Yun said goodbye to Jungkook as he disappeared into the agency van. She looked at the paper with his signature and wondered what she should do with it.

     She began to pack her stuff to get ready to leave the building when she heard a ping on her phone. It was a series of messages and a missed call from Bora, her best friend at the translation agency.

     She usually helps Bora with foreign language translations and Bora sometimes makes sudden requests for an interpreter for international events. Bora must have bombarded her phone with messages when she was downstairs.

"Ha Yunie!!! Are you free next two weeks? You are planning to go to the US for a holiday, right???"

"Ha Yun? I am so excited. Reply to me ASAP!!!"

   After the missed call, she sent another message to urge her to call. She sighed.

   As she picked up her things and locked the door, she dialed Bora's number.

"Ha Yun!! You called!" an excited and hyped up Bora screamed into the mouthpiece as soon as she picked up the phone, Ha Yun had to pull away the phone to save her poor eardrum.

Ha Yun chuckled,"Sorry, I missed your call. I was occupied. Why are you so excited for my holiday?"

    She walked quickly towards the subway station eager to get home to rest. She didn't get a good sleep again last night.

"You know my bias, right?" she could hear the ecstatic fangirl vibe from Bora's voice.

"Yes, BTS Jimin. Did you manage to take a selfie with him or something?" she guessed.

"I wished. But no, that is not it. The agency contacted us to inquire for a foreign language interpreter for their incoming tour to North America and they need it by next two weeks. BTS contacted us! Us! I actually talked to Manager Sejin." Bora screamed again.

"Good for you. Maybe you might get to take a selfie with your bias after all." Her mouth curved into a smile at the comment.

"Wait. I didn't just call you to fangirl with you. I have an actual job offer. As the BTS interpreter."

"Jinjja? But you know I don't care much about the celebrity world. Are you sure I am the right person? She was feeling skeptical.

"Yes. I know. That is actually one of the requirements by the agency. They want an interpreter that can act professional, meaning no excessive fangirling over celebrities."

Ha Yun nodded in understanding.

"I still remember how you refused to take a selfie with Gong Yoo when we stumbled into him in Quebec last time. I was still in fangirl dream mode hours after meeting him." Bora recalled.

"You know how much I enjoyed my privacy. I just think that Gong Yoo would want his. He was just too kind to ignore his fan's request."

"So, you will take up the offer? They request a meeting to get to know you and meet up with the rest of the staff."

"I am not a fan of KPOP idols. Are you sure this BTS is really good?" She heard some of the KPOP music and decided that it was not her style.

"Maldo andwae! Are you sure you live in Korea? You don't know BTS is the most popular boy band in the world right now? The WORLD you know! I am ashamed to call myself a fan since I didn't educate you enough about the BTS Universe. Jimin oppa, I am sorry. I am lacking." She rolled her eyes. Bora clearly was being dramatic about this.

"This cannot do. I am sending you links for a BTS Universe crash course ASAP. Make sure you watch them all, if not I will not consider you my friend anymore." She huffed and puffed in disbelief.

THE SEER OF SOULS // KIM NAMJOONWhere stories live. Discover now