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Jungkook hesitated and the girl continued to beg him for a selfie while crying. Ha Yun knew his resolve would crack soon.

"Excuse me, miss. This is a private section and the members need to rest." The girl glared at her and she could feel the hostility vibrating from the girl.

"I can see your frustration and disappointment. You must love Jungkook very much." She looked at the girl kindly.

"Yes. I love him so much, I could die if I don't see him." The girl started crying sadly.

"You must have missed him every day and every waking moment. Even in your dream you missed him?" The girl started sobbing harder and she hugged her.

"It must have hurt so much, to love someone so much and didn't get to be loved back." She rubbed the girl's back.

"It hurts and I don't know what to do. I could only follow him around." The girl cried louder and other passengers were curious about the unexpected drama.

"Come, let's talk somewhere private." She led the pitiful girl and signaled the members that she would take care of the situation.

      At the private pantry, she listened to the girl's story of how much love, money, time and energy she spent to show her dedication to Jungkook. As she continued listening to the girl's story she realized that the girl loved Jungkook so much that she forgot to love herself. It seemed like BTS still had a lot of work to do other than telling their fans to love themselves. They also had to teach their fans HOW to love themselves.

     The girl calmed down after her tirade of tears, so Ha Yun asked the girl to really think about what would make her happy if there was no Jungkook in the world. The girl immediately said nothing would make her happy and if the world no longer had Jungkook in it, she would kill herself.

"If you do that, will it make Jungkook happy?"

"Do you really think he will be happy to have someone that loves him give up on life because of him?"

"Or do you think he will be happy knowing you love him and understand his message that he brought and you use that to become a better person?"

"What do you think will make Jungkook happy?"

The girl was silent as she thought about this and Ha Yun left her alone as she started to feel the incoming headache as the result of the unexpected confession and counsel.

     She returned to her seat and ignored the members questions as she tried to block the noise by covering herself with a blanket. She just needed her privacy as she drifted to her own private land of thought. She knew she had a lot to think about and process from her recent encounter which had an eerily similar feel to her many conversations with Soo-Jin.


    Later, as the flight landed, Ha Yun reminded the BTS members about their plan to do selective attention and positive reinforcement to counter the fans' airport mob.She would go out later than the BTS members group as she knew she could not handle walking with them through the crowd of fans. Namjoon asked her to update him when she reached the hotel later.

    As she waited around the luggage pick-up area, she could hear the loud cheer of fans outside in the arrival hall. Immediately, she panicked as she recalled the horrific fan airport mob situation back in Korea. She rubbed her sweaty and cold hands together and hoped the plan worked.

After half an hour, she made her way out and went to the hotel. Her phone began to vibrate as she saw a new trending hashtag on Twitter.

   Jimin and V shared a selfie of them with a line of ARMY standing proudly behind a purple ribbon line with the caption "Very proud of our Purple ARMY bodyguard. We feel so safe and touched. We love you ARMY." with the hashtag #PURPLEARMYBODYGUARD .

    She saw similar posts by other members with different ARMY purple lines. She laughed at J-Hope's video tweet, showing him dancing freestyle in between the open and wide section of the purple ribbon line held by the strong front line ARMY.

    The introverted members who are prone to get an anxiety attack when their privacy were invaded struck a pose by spreading their hands out to show how calm and peaceful they felt walking on the purple ribbon path.

Namjoon's tweet had a deeper meaning in it, "Felt like walking through the Purple Sea."

    She smiled as she went through the tweets. The members really knew how to work the crowd and used the social media effectively to spread their message. She hoped that the messages they sent out today would create a ripple effect and create a worldwide Twitter trend that would reach the other ARMY in waves. She also realized that BTS, Big Hit staff and the ARMYs still had a lot to learn to really understand what it meant to love one another. 



Author's note:

***Have you love someone but didn't get love back?

***What do you think about #PURPLEARMYBODYGUARD plan? Will it help to protect the members from being mobbed?
***If you like my chapter please drop a vote, comment. Thanks.

UPDATE 28/8/2020 -Edited the chapter length into two chapters

THE SEER OF SOULS // KIM NAMJOONWhere stories live. Discover now