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Aku mula berkira-kira jika aku patut beritahu kawan baikku ini

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Aku mula berkira-kira jika aku patut beritahu kawan baikku ini. "There's one more thing I haven't told you..."

Mata Jasmine membulat. "What?? Did you get laid again??"

Kali ini aku ketawa. Jasmine turut tersenyum melihatkan reaksiku, malah jadi tak sabar mahukan jawapan daripadaku. Setelah diasak beberapa kali, aku ambil keputusan untuk memberitahu Jasmine. "You remember last time I hooked up with that simulated guy?"

Jasmine tak perlu berfikir lama. "The afterglow guy from that fishy website! What about him? Did you hook up with him again?"

"Of course not!" Aku mendengus geram. "I really didn't want to meet him again. He's the most annoying person I ever met..."

Jasmine mula mengerutkan muka. "Then? What's the problem??"

Aku menarik nafas dalam-dalam. Kalau aku beritahu hal ni pada Jasmine, aku yakin makin bertambahlah stok usikannya padaku. Tapi kalau aku tak beritahu, aku rasa payah nak sorok keserabutan ni seorang diri. "He's my neighbor, Jas. This new apartment I moved in... he's my neighbor."

"What?!" Jasmine menjerit. "For real?! You literally have your afterglow fuck buddy next door?! How did you get so lucky?!"

Aku menjegilkan mataku. "Lucky?! Do you have any idea how fucked up this is?? It feels like my life story is being written by some stupid writer for making it so stupidly cliché, and you know how I feel about cliché, and having my nemesis as my neighbor is—"

"You do realize that some stupid writer you're whining about is your God, right?" Jasmine memotong percakapanku.

Aku tergamam seketika. "Aren't you an atheist?"

"Yes, but you're not. Just reminding you to be respectful to your God. And for the record, Dana, being stood up by your hookup date when you're super horny; that's the real definition of fucked up. I fucking bought a pair of new thong for tonight, and he dared to bail on me! So what do I do? I ended up video-calling you. If I had a delicious neighbor like you have right now, I would have thumped on his front door and tell him to fuck me, you know?"

Dan serentak itu, pintu rumahku pula yang diketuk perlahan. Dengan situasi dua lapisan pintu, hanya seorang manusia saja yang boleh mengetuk pintu rumahku terus sebegitu; jiranku.

"Ooooo, did someone horny just knock at your door?" Jasmine mengusik.

"Shut up," marahku dengan suara perlahan. "I'll call you back later."

"We know you won't. Just remember to use protection okay?" kata Jasmine sambil menjelirkan lidahnya. Perangai macam budak-budak tapi nafsu macam... okay, tak nak sebut.

Aku terdengar lagi ketukan pintu itu. "Bye," ucapku sepatah lalu mematikan telefon dan mencampaknya ke katil. Aku menapak ke pintu dan membuka perlahan-lahan.

Tiada sesiapa.

Bulu romaku tiba-tiba meremang.

Aku terus tutup pintu dan berlari naik ke katil, sembunyi di dalam selimut. Aku tak mahu berfikir bukan-bukan tapi Jasmine dengar ketukan itu, maknanya aku tak bermimpi. Dalam ketakutan, aku mula menangis sehingga tertidur.

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