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(Sedutan Episod 31)

"Where are you staying for the night? At this hotel?" Saja aku bertanya sewaktu kami berjalan ke kaunter untuk membuat pembayaran. Memandangkan penerbangan pulangnya adalah pada esok tengah hari, pasti dia akan bermalam di mana-mana dulu.

"Nope, too expensive. I didn't get any allocation to overnight. I can claim back though, but my new workplace is a bit slow in doing reimbursement," jelasnya sambil menghulurkan kad kreditnya kepada juruwang. "If you don't mind, you can suggest me affordable room nearby if you know any? Not gonna splurge for a bed."

Aku mengangkat kening. "Ooo, that's new. What happen to the Ziyad that wants the most comfortable and fancy place, even just for one night?"

Ziyad ketawa. "He learnt that being frugal is important now, especially since he just bought a fucking house. It costs a fortune."

Aku tak dapat menyorokkan keterujaanku. "Oh, my God! Congratulations!"

Tapi perbualan riang kami terbantut apabila juruwang mencelah. "Err, maaf, cik. Kad ni declined. Ada kad lain yang boleh saya cuba?"

Wajah Ziyad berubah serta-merta. "What??" Dia terus mengambil kad kreditnya semula. "Wait, hang on." Kemudian, dia buka semula beg duitnya untuk mencari kad lain.

Aku terus menghulurkan kad debitku kepada juruwang. Ziyad cuba menghalang tapi aku tegaskan, "No, it's fine. It's only a few dollar if we convert it to SGD. But do you have any other card, though?"

Selepas mengambil resit dan melangkah keluar dari kafe itu, wajah Ziyad bertambah runsing. "Shit... I don't have any other card with me because this is the only international card I have, the one that I always bring with me if I travel overseas," katanya sambil mengorek begnya pula. "Don't know why it declined, though. It worked this morning."

Kami duduk di bangku yang tak jauh dari kafe tadi, menghadap hotel tempat kami terserempak lebih setengah jam lepas. "So what are you going to do now?"

Ziyad diam seketika. "I'm sorry I have to ask this of you. This is embarrassing but could you lend me some money so I can get to the airport? I'll transfer back once I reach home tomorrow. Is that okay?"

Wajahnya keresahan. Untuk seorang lelaki yang selama aku kenal dulu tak pernah ada masalah dengan duit, aku yakin meminjam duit daripadaku adalah perkara terakhir yang mahu dia lakukan. "You're going to the airport?? But your flight is tomorrow??"

Ziyad menjungkit bahu. "I don't exactly have a choice. Got no money. I'll just hang out at the airport until my boarding time tomorrow, it's fine."

Hatiku jadi kasihan. Sebelum sempat aku fikir apa-apa, laju saja mulutku membalas, "My place is nearby. You can come over, stay the night and get some good rest. I'm sure today's been exhausting for you. Waiting at the airport doesn't sound... fun."


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