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"I think everything is working perfectly now

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"I think everything is working perfectly now. I'll check at my place and call you again if there's anything," kata Haden sebelum mematikan telefon, menyimpannya ke dalam kocek dan kembali memandangku, seolah tahu aku menanti penjelasannya. "There was a blackout just now in the building. Electricity at my place was restored but I know the wiring at your place is a little... weird, so I came to check. You didn't lock the door. It's no excuse but I'm sorry I just barged in."

Blackout?? Aku tak kunci pintu?? Aku lupa kunci pintu ke malam tadi lepas aku buka dan tengok tiada sesiapa?

Haden melangkah ke arahku, mengambil kedua-dua bantal yang aku baling tadi dan letakkan semula ke atas katil. Dia pandang ke luar tingkap yang masih hujan lebat sebelum memandangku. "I need to recheck the electric at my place. You okay here alone?"

"Did you knock at my door?" Aku tak jawab soalan Haden sebab satu kejadian misteri awal malam tadi lebih mengganggu fikiranku.

"I didn't. I just twisted the knob and apparently it was not locked," jelas Haden sebelum melangkah ke tingkap untuk menurunkan langsir. Aku terus meluru ke arahnya.

"No, don't! I don't like having the curtains down. I feel suffocated," jelasku lalu menghalang di lengannya.

"But you're scared of the thunder. It makes more sense to bring them down," balas Haden.

"Did you knock at my door?" soalku lagi sekali, mengharap dia jawab ya, walaupun macam tak masuk akal. Kalau dia keluar masuk rumahnya, aku boleh dengar.

"I already answered that—"

"No," pintasku sambil memasang semula langsir di pengikat tepi dinding. "Earlier, some time after you left here. Ten something. Ada orang ketuk pintu rumah saya. I opened but there was nobody. Tell me it was you."

Aku dan Haden berpandangan. Mungkin sebagai teman lelaki upahan, lakonannya meyakinkan. Tapi sebagai Haden Maulana, aku boleh baca lirikan matanya setiap kali dia nampak... 'blur'. Jantungku kembali berdegup kencang. "It wasn't you..."

Bukan Haden yang ketuk, maknanya...

"It was me," jawab Haden, tapi hatiku tak mampu percaya. Aku terus menggelengkan kepala. "It was really me," tambahnya.

"You took your time to answer. So it mustn't be you..." Darahku mula berderau memikirkan ada yang cuba mengusikku di rumah itu. Musibah apa pula ni? Dulu diganggu manusia bertopeng setan, sekarang dikacau pula setan sebenar.

"Who would admit straight away when they pranked people? It was really me," jelas Haden.

"I didn't hear you coming in or out of your house!" bangkangku.

"Which prankster in the right mind would let their plans flop? Of course I would be careful with my door because I know you would hear me. I really just wanted to scare you because you didn't wake me up when I fell asleep. Do you know how stupid it looks, waking up in someone else's bed?" marahnya.

Serentak itu, guruh kembali berdentum sehingga aku melompat semula ke dalam dakapan Haden. Dia pun spontan menyambutku, macam dah boleh agak reaksiku.

"Urgh! I hate you!" Aku cuba menahan air mata yang sudah mula merembes keluar. "Why did you have to prank me like that?! Everything around me scares the shit out of me now, thanks to your stupid prank that triggered it all!"

"Fair enough, but my stupid prank doesn't trigger the thunder. It's the god's doing," balasnya bersahaja lalu aku dongakkan wajah, memandang Haden yang cuba menyembunyikan senyum sinis di wajahnya.

"You are unbelievable..." gumamku perlahan.

"What's unbelievable is you come running to hide in my chest anyway when the thunder strikes, despite you finding me a douche. Just like you choose to leave the curtains open, even when you see how scary it is outside that window. Are you always this confused?"

Geram dengan kata-katanya, aku tolak tubuhnya dan menjauh. Aku tetapkan dalam otak, kalau ada petir lagi, pergi sorok dalam selimut, bukan di pelukan heroga bajet bagus ni. "Are you always this obnoxious? It seems to be a recurring trait."

Senyuman sinisnya awal tadi menghilang. Matanya merenungku kasar. "Careful there, Dian. Call me obnoxious one more time, I'll kiss that smart mouth of yours."

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