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LENNY SIGHED HEAVILY, rubbing the bridge of her nose and shaking her head. "and you wonder why no one likes you." she glared at the redheaded boy, smiling at the other one in the room. her fists were clenched and her breathing was heavy.

she could feel herself getting angrier by the second, and it was only a matter of time before she took the situation into her own hands and strangled cameron to death. charlie lunged towards cameron, being held back by knox and meeks. he tried his hardest to get to the ginger boy, but to no avail.

"he's a rat. he's in it up to his eyes so he rattled to save himself." he tried going for him again, only stopping when lenny placed a soft hand on his shoulder and rubbed the skin of his shoulder blade gently. he calmed himself down a little, beginning to listen to knox's words.

"don't touch him charlie. you do and you're out." charlie shrugged the two boys off of him straightening his uniform out and wrapping an arm around lenny's shoulders. he scoffed at the tall boy, rolling his eyes sarcastically.

"what's the point? lenny's gone, welton isn't welton without her." she placed a soft peck on his lips, nuzzling into his chest and glaring towards cameron who was still trying to argue his way out of taking a beating from both lenny and charlie.

"he's right there charlie. they're not after us. were the victims. us and neil." lenny tensed up at the mention of neil. she had to agree that he was in fact a victim, but they weren't. they weren't the ones who were ready to end it all in hopes of finding some place better.

charlie began asking who they were after, eliciting a grin from cameron. "the captain himself. you guys didn't think he could avoid responsibility did you?" cameron was almost laughing about the situation, as if what neil did didn't even matter to him.

lenny's fists clenched again. the boys could practically feel the anger radiating off of her, and they didn't want to be there when she finally exploded. for the most part, lenny would hold her temper quite well, it was only when someone messed with the people she cared about, then she'd be burying a body.

"they're blaming mr keating? why?" cameron scoffed, as if it was obvious why they were blaming the english teacher and not the boy's own father. he gave another sarcastic laugh, one that made lenny's blood boil even more.

"if it wasn't for mr keating, neil would be cozied up in his room studying chemistry rather than lying in a hospital bed." lenny had had enough. she was ready to lunge for the boy, but stopped herself. she had already got herself kicked out of school, she didn't want a lawsuit following her too.

she saw todd in the corner, his eyes dark and his breathing heavy. she had never seen the boy angry, or sad for that matter. he was always just neutral or happy. she knew that he was going through a lot, and she would be there for him no matter what.

"he didn't put us up to anything. neil loved acting." lenny nodded her head in agreement, her anger beginning to slowly subside. that was until cameron decided to open his big mouth again. she was so close to punching him, it was unbelievable.

"believe what you want, but i say let keating fry. why ruin our lives?" as he said that, charlie swung his arm forward, connecting with the boy's nose and causing him to bleed. lenny rushed forward to the ginger boy, lifting him up from the floor and faking concern.

"oh my god cameron are you okay?" she proceeded to check his face for any other injuries, checking his bloodied nose. the boys stared at her in horror, but she knew what she was doing. he nodded his head, playing his victim act and trying to be a hero. he said he was fine, which made lenny frown.

"well that's too bad." she lifted her arm, her fist connecting harshly with his cheek and leaving a bruise. it knocked him to the floor once again, leaving lenny with a satisfied smile and a group of happy boys.

she wasn't going to let him ruin her life anymore.



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