25: First anniversary

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"Mama where are we going?"

"We are going to meet Mama's bestfriend, honey"

"Who's your bestfriend, Mama?"

"You will see, honey"

Mom, dad, and I were on our way to meet mom's bestfriend, as she said. I was sitting on the back of the car, holding my pink furby's doll. I had no idea why we were meeting mom's bestfriend, I don't really like meeting new people. They scared me.

I looked out the window to see trees passed as the car moved. I love being in the car because I can see trees, another cars, and houses passed by.

"We are here!" My mom announced. She got off the car then opened the passenger door to unbuckle my seat-belt. "Come on, honey"

I brought my furby with me as my other hand held my mom's hand. We walked to the front door as I saw a man and a woman stood by the door with genuine smiles on their faces. I think they look friendly.

"Mathea!" The woman cheered as she pulled my mom into hug. "I've missed you so much"

My mom hugged her too. "I know, I have missed you too, Elisa"

So my mom's bestfriend's name is Elisa then.

My dad on the other hand, did this man hug with the man beside Elisa. I heard him calling the man Michael. I watched my parents as they looked so happy to meet these people.

Suddenly, Elisa looked down at me and gave me a warm smile. "You must be Althea"

I nodded shyly. "Yes, Ma'am"

"Aww she has grown into a beautiful little girl, Mathea" she told my mom which made me smile that she says I'm beautiful. "Ah where is my manner, come in, guys"

Elisa let us in and lead our way to the living room. I took a seat beside my mom and hugged my furby. I watched as my mom talked to Elisa, and my dad talked to Michael.

"Arthur, come here" Elisa called someone. Then a boy around my age, or maybe older, walked in with a ball in his hand. "Come meet my bestfriend. This is Mathea, this is Alfred, and this girl is Althea"

The boy nodded at my parents. "Hello, I'm Arthur"

"Arthur, why don't you talk and play with Althea upstairs?" Elisa asked.

My eyes widen and I immediately looked at my mom for a support. I don't want to play with this boy. I don't want to talk to him. I don't know him and I don't trust him.

"Yes, honey, why don't you go with Arthur while Mama and Dad talk with Elisa and Michael, yeah?" My mom was no help this time.

I can't say no to my mom because I love her. So I just nodded and followed the boy as he lead me upstairs. He opened the door and we walked in his room. His room is as big as mine in my house. He had a lot of pikachu stuff on his study desk.

He let the door opened then put his (foot)ball on the floor. I sat on the chair, looking around but him.

"So, do you want to play something?" He asked as he sat on the bed, facing me.

I shook my head in response, looking down at my feet. Somehow they looked interesting.

"Okay, then do you want to talk about something?"

Again, I shook my head in response.

"Do you even talk?"

Of course I talk. But I don't want to talk to you. I wanted to say that to him, but instead I kept silent.

The Unwanted Marriage (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now