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Akira's POV,

I never cried this much in my whole life....I locked myself in the bathroom... I cancelled all the calls that were coming... He gave me the pain I never knew existed.... There was no point in washing my face.... I cried again and again....my eyes.......they were burning.... There were 14 missed calls and many messages from Jin.. I don't wanna see.. I don't wanna hear his voice.... I wanna bury these feelings forever.... I can't have them again.....I finally stood up... and went to get ready for the party.....

After sometime,

I took a cab to the place where the party was held.....I got off the car and went inside......

Megumi:"What took so much time!? You were almost late!"

Akira:"Nothing... I was not feeling ok today.."

Megumi:"Why? Is everything ok? Are you feeling fine!?"

Akira:"I think I will leave the party soon...."


Announcer:"Attention! Ladies and Gentleman present here...the new Ceo will be arriving shortly... please have snacks and drinks..till than...Thank you."

Megumi:"Hey! Wanna grab some drinks!?"


I seated on the bar counter.... We both ordered our drinks.....

Megumi:"So..... um...."

My phone again ringed...it was Jin again.... I cancelled it.!

Akira:"Is there something you want to say?"

Megumi:"Nothing... Its just that...did you hear the news?"

Akira:"What news?"

Megumi:"That the gangsters jat were active... have all been killed!"

Akira:''Guess...police is finally doing their job."

I took a sip....

Megumi:"Idiot!! Total Idiot!! Its not police!!!"

Akira:''Huh? Then, who?"

Megumi:''It is rumored that it is Seokjin!"

Akira:"Nonsense.... you know-"

Megumi:"I know...I know...but,....it could be a truth too you know maybe...."

This girl seriously.... When I saw Yukine enter the hall... many people gave him bouquet and speech and now, it was time for Yukine to give speech...he came...up...

Yukine:"Thank you........"

I heard a call again.....It was Jin.....Maybe I should block and delete his number... No! I can't do it.....Aaaaa. When,

Yukine:"Not just that.... Today I wanna propose the person I loved for a long time.!"

I looked up....


All the eyes were on me......


She whispered.......He walked up to me....


Akira:"Wait Yukine!"


Akira:''You should never love someone who does not love you back....I bet there is someone else for you....but, I am sure its not me..I am sorry if I am hurting your feelings..... but I don't feel the same way for...you!"


Akira:"I am so sorry Yukine."

I took my purse and left the party.... I shouldn't have done that..... I left him..... Just like that....he must be embarrassed.....I sorry Yukine......... I ran out of the place......and headed home...Maybe I just want some time alone......As soon as I reached the apartment...I saw Yuri!? and some man....... Now what!!!!!!!

Yuri:"Hey! You're back."

Akira:"Yes, I am ..... so?"

Yuri:''Nothing just...."

Takes out a gun and points at me... Heck?!

Akira:"Its illegal to carry them around!"

Yuri:"Ha! Don't worry about me! Just wanna tell ya that He trusted me....and maybe we wil date again and then...."

I clenced my fist... Relax! Don't!! Its nothing to do with you....


Yuri:''Nothing! Just want to earse you forever!"

Akira:''You are psycho! You know that!?"

Yuri:"SHUT UP!!!"

She loaded the gun........ I guess...... it has to end like this....

Akira:"Don't wanna know my last wish?"

Yuri:''No! I killed many people so, I don't bother!"

I closed my eyes..... *bang* My body was stiff.....! But, there was no pain.....What the? I opened my eyes slowly! and saw.... The gun dropping from Yuri's hands...She was ahot on her shoulder...she fell on her knees....

Yuri:''Why is it you!?

???:"Ahh!! I was freaking tired!"


???:''Did you miss me?"

NO WAY!! I turned around.....and saw the familiar smirk.....He is...BACK!!???????

I finally saw his face from the dark......How? What? I can't speak......He took me by my waist....and kissed me..... I couldn't analyze what's going on!

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