Pt. 2

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"Wake up, Anders." I heard someone say.

"Fuck off." I say rolling over.

"Get up." They say again.

"Fine. What do you want?" I ask.

"Breakfast. We all wake up at the same time of 6:30 on school days. Weekends it's whenever." He says.

Once I got my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, I realized it was Zach talking to me. Guess I got to get used to waking up this early.

Zach left and I followed a bit after. I grab my phone and go downstairs. And how did Zach know my name? Did Matt or Tyler tell him?

"There you are. Care for breakfast?" Tyler asks.

"I'm good." I say.

"Since you're starting a new school today, we thought ahead to get you school stuff. Unfortunately, it is a private school so uniforms are required. You'll get yours at school." Tyler says.

I kinda figured the whole private school shit as everyone had uniforms on. Since I'm not eating breakfast, I was allowed back to my room to put my school stuff in my backpack and change into different clothes.

"You know the basic foster home rules, but we have kinda implemented our own. 1) Homework is always done where we can see you so we know you've done it. Exceptions if you can't work around other people. 2) Phones are prohibited at the table during mealtimes." Matt says to me before we left.

They do own a car big enough to fit all eight of us. Both Matt and Tyler had to come as I'm just now starting. The school was big, considering it's a private school.

"Liam, Danny. Stay out of trouble." Tyler says.

"Trouble? I'm good at that." I mumble.

"Don't know what you're talking about." Danny says.

"Oh come on, Danny. You've gotten suspended 9 times this year. The only reason you've lasted here is because we can't get expelled as the next closest school is 30 miles away." Brandon says.

"And you, most definitely stay out of trouble." Tyler says to me.

"The fuck? What makes you think, I'm another troublemaker?" I ask.

"We know your past records." Matt says.

Matt, Tyler and I go to the offices while everyone else heads off to wherever they go. So, I can't get expelled from this school. Awesome! I could be suspended 30 times and still be at this school.

"Another foster kid, huh?" The headmaster says.

"Yep. We need him enrolled here." Tyler says.

"Troublemaker?" He asks.

"Definitely. His name is Anders." Matt says.

"Alright. What grade are you?" The headmaster asks me.

"10th." I reply.

"Sophomore, eh? Isn't Brandon and Danny sophomores, too?" He asks.

"Correct. Zach, too." Tyler replies.

"There we go. Here are your uniforms. Before I get you a schedule, you need to pick electives." The headmaster says to me.

"Art." I say.

"And your second?" He asks.

"Photography?" I ask timidly.

"There we go!" He says printing off my schedule. It also had my locker and locker combo on it.

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