Pt. 32

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So...Zach is basically out of school until Anders is back, whenever that'll be, Danny isn't going to school either because of what happened last night, meaning only 1/2 of the boys are actually in school at this given moment in time.

I walk into the kitchen to get Matt something to eat while he's in bed. Danny was on his phone with someone, probably Joey.

"Where am I?...I'm at home because I can't exactly walk at the moment...Liam took my phone and we kinda fought for a bit. Somewhere in that, one of us knocked the TV down and it fell on my ankle...Worst case is I sprained it...I should be back, Monday or so...Well, Zach is at home because Anders is in the hospital, still....Yes, they are dating....The doctor or nurse said Anders will be on a ventilator for a week, but that was only the minimum estimate. It could very well be that he'll be on it longer than that...Oh, I guess I'll talk to you later...Bye." Danny says.

"How's it hanging?" I ask.

"I'm bored." Danny says.

"It's literally the start of the day. How are you already bored?" I ask.

"You see, everything I could be doing is in my room." If I could, I'd walk up there. I'd also not be here, right now." Danny replies.

"You have your phone and the Xbox is literally right there." I say.

"How do you have time for this? I mean, you have to deal with 6 foster kids, 3 of which are troublesome, work, cooking, Matt being sick, Zach and his PTSD, me with a sprained ankle, Anders in the hospital, and taking us to school. Where do you put in fun in all that?" Danny asks.

"Okay, first off, my work is literally being a foster parent. This is my job. Matt is the only one who does work outside of being a foster parent. I cook because Matt can't for the life of him." I reply.

"So, what do you do on the laptop of yours?" Danny asks.

"Watch YouTube, Netflix, and anime. Yes, I watch anime." I say.

"How to manage taking care of Matt while also trying to take care of 5 other people and worrying about Anders?" Danny asks.

"No, I'm taking care of Matt while also taking care of 3 other people and worrying about Anders." I say.

"5 others. Liam, Zach, Jamie, Brandon and myself." Danny says.

"3 because I don't need to worry about Jamie and Brandon as they're the 2 most responsible ones here. It's you, Zach and Liam I need to worry about at times like this. If Anders were here, he'd make 4." I reply.

"Fair point." Danny says.

"Fair!? I always make fair points!" I say totally not offended.

"Uh-huh." Danny says.

I finished Matt's breakfast and took it back upstairs. I hate when he gets sick. Yes, he's drinking water and taking medication to help with the sickness, but he still has a fever.

"So...when do you think Anders'll be back?" Matt asks.

"I don't know. A week was only the minimal time he would be out. At least for the ventilator. He could be unconscious even longer, unable to breathe without help longer than a week. As long as he survives this, I'll be fine." I reply setting the food on his table.

"I'm worried about you, Tyler." Matt says.

"Why are you worried?" I ask.

"You overwork yourself. You're trying to do all this on your own." Matt replies.

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