Pt. 12

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I wake up the next day. I carefully get my uniform on. I wonder how much I've missed or if I'll have to make up for everything I've missed.

I comb my hair so it isn't tangled. I make sure I have all my stuff I might need in my backpack before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs.

"Wait, you're coming today?" Jamie asks.

"He is..but that doesn't guarantee he'll be going tomorrow." Tyler says.

"Well, I'm meeting up with Michigan." I say as I head to the door.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Matt asks holding up my tablet in which I usually bring. It's also where all my notes are.

"How the fuck—?" I start.

"Language, Anders." Tyler says.

"It was left on the couch." Matt says.

"Oh." I say taking it back.

Now, I'm on my way. Heh, Mig's in for a surprise. I run my ass to the other side of the road. Mig also doesn't know that I might end up posting some of our film and photography stuff up on YouTube. Hopefully, I didn't miss too many film projects.

"Hey, Mig!" I say.

"Hey!" Mig says.

"What have a missed in our elective classes?" I asked.

"Well, we've moved into drawing people for Art and there hasn't been many film projects. You only missed 2." Mig says.

"That's good." I say.

"You need to be extra careful today if you want any hopes of coming tomorrow." Mig says.

"I know..I can't guarantee anything won't happen. Not with Jack being in the way. And most definitely not after what he did to Danny." I reply.

"So, you have a little crush on Zach. Do you even know if he's gay?" Mig asks changing the subject.

"Of course I don't! All I know is that he's my crush!" I say.

"One way to find out! You kiss him!" Mig says.

"Too fast, Mig!" I say.

"You guys are close with each other. Is one kiss going to break that closeness?" Mig asks.

"We're at school, Mig! I can't just walk up and kiss him!" I reply.

"Unless...he kisses you first." Mig says.

I go red. Him..? Kissing me? If he does that, I might cry! Well, not literally. What are the odds he kisses me?

Let's see how this day goes. If it goes well, I'm coming back tomorrow. If it goes wrong...they're taking me out again. I'm pretty sure that Tyler and Matt have gotten someone (the headmaster I'm sure) to see how things go with me today.

"Ey, you're back." I hear Jack say.

"Leave him alone, Jack." Danny says.

"And what are you going to do about it, loser?" Jack asks.

"Don't talk like that to him!" I say.

"I'll do what I want!" Jack says.

"Do. Not. Talk. To. My. Brother. Like. That. Ever. Again." I say in the most non-threatening way.

"So, you trying to fight me or what?" Jack asks.

"Nah, I'm not trying to fight you. I'm just not going to sit here and watch you bully my brother." I reply.

"Brother? You're in foster care with him!?" Jack asks.

"Hell yeah, he is!" Danny says.

"Danny.." Brandon says.

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