Pt. 11

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It's been a month since the accident. Michigan's come over a few times. She's coming back today as soon as school gets out. I can walk again, but everything else is still there. We went to the hospital last week and they took off the ankle cast.

It's still healing, but I no longer need to cover it. Tyler and Matt are still not sending me to school since I still have big injured like my shoulder and ribs. I still have a broken arm, but as it was worse than my ankle...they didn't take it off.

"At least he's eating something." I hear Matt say to Tyler.

"I know, but he doesn't eat much of what he gets." Tyler says.

"At least I eat something." I mumble.

"I know.." Tyler says.

" and Zach." Matt says changing the subject.

Zach and I are the closest between all my brothers. I know almost everything about Zach. Almost everything. The only thing I don't know is: his sexuality.

"What about him?" I ask.

"You like him." Matt says.

"No, I don't. Besides, I can't date him. He's my foster brother." I reply.

"Not by blood and we're not married so he's not your official brother yet." Tyler says.

" guys are the closest with each other than anyone else." Matt adds.

"Is it really a bad thing to have 1 friend in foster care who lives with you?" I ask.

"I guess not." Matt replies.

"So...when am I going back to school?" I ask.

"You...want to go back to school?" Tyler asks.

"Yes! I have friends there! I have Michigan! Obviously, I want to go back!" I say.

"You can go back once you've been cleared off all injuries. We don't want to risk anything." Matt replies.

"Oh, come on! Even if it is healed enough that it no longer needs the cast, it'll still hurt to move it. I can be careful. I can go back now. There's nothing stopping me." I say.

"With your record?? If you go back, you'd make it worse with the fighting! That or you hurt it doing something else." Tyler says.

"I'll be careful. Plus, the only thing truly stopping me is how badly it'll be to actually put on the uniform." I say.

"Tyler.." Matt says.

"Fine. You can go, but we will take you back out if we have to." Tyler says.

Tyler was the one to get everyone from school. At least, they're letting me go back. I get why Tyler was skeptical of letting me go back.

"You do understand, we will take you back out of school if we think we really need to right? The headmaster will tell us what's going on if we send you back." Matt says.

"I know. I'll try to be careful. No guaranteeing anything." I reply.

I went up to my room because I wanted to watch some anime. I've also being thinking of getting a job. I have to get money somehow.

I mean, ever since my mom died...I did inherit a ton of money. It did go into my bank account that I got when I was young. Before going into foster care.

"He's in his room." I hear Matt say to Michigan.

Mig walked in a few seconds later. She was going to work on homework and talk to me.

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