Pt. 26

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Anders was in his room. Who knows what he was doing in there. Zach was with him, but Anders walked off after his little argument with Matt and Tyler. Speaking of them, they went off. I give Anders some slack because his past was a whole ton of shit.

"That's something we never really knew about him." Liam says.

"At least Matt, Tyler and Zach give him a reason to keep pushing forward." Brandon says.

"He's still suicidal, though." Liam says.

"We wonder why he still is, Liam." I say.

Liam knew what I meant and stayed silent. He was apart of the many reasons Anders was still suicidal. Tyler and Matt were doing what they could to make sure Anders wouldn't attempt any form of suicide.

"You idiot. Why would you say that?" Jamie asks.

"It's fact, ya know." I say.

"But, I said sorry." Liam says.

"Doesn't mean anything. He may have forgiven you for now, but that doesn't mean you guys will be friends." Brandon says.

Everyone went back to the game that was paused. I went to go see if Tyler and Matt had anything planned for dinner as neither has made anything and it's 7:30 pm. They were in their room doing who knows what, which comes at a cost.

Uh..I don't...I could've easily walked in them a few minutes later and it would've been a whole lot worse of a sight. I walked in on them kissing. They had to yet to notice to me, but at least it wasn't sex I walked in on.

I slowly backed away. Again, they didn't notice me. If I had waited just a few more minutes, it could've been a whole different sight. Like, it was going to happen anyway. Tyler was so close to just simply do the dirty with Matt.

"Haha. Walk in on something you weren't meant to?" Brandon asks me.

"If I waited just a few extra minutes, I would have." I reply.

"Oh, shit! Wonder if that's what Anders and Zach are doing." Jamie says.

"I mean, Anders' door was closed. I didn't hear anything, though." I say.

"They could just be quiet." Liam says piping in.

"Bruh! Who wants to find out?" I ask.

"Don't do that. After all, it is Anders' room. He will kill you." Jamie replies.

"So? If he never finds out, it won't be a problem." I say.

"Oh, he will find out." Brandon says.

"Well, I'm going to find out. Join me if you want." I reply.

Liam joined me. This does come at a cost, too. Not only could they be having sex, but it is Anders. He will kill us, if we enter is room after he shuts the door.

"What are you guys doing?" Matt asks.

"Why are you-" Tyler starts.

"Should've waited those extra minutes.." I mumble.

"What are you doing?" Matt asks again.

"Nothing~!"I reply.

I turn his door knob slightly and push it open. Tyler and Matt exchanged a look. They knew it was bound to happen. Don't even ask about it. I think you know, if I'm not bothering to tell you. I don't think I have to.

I just closed the door as quietly as I could. Liam said nothing, but he wanted to. Matt and Tyler both knew this was going to happen eventually. I mean, come on! They knew they liked each other long before the rest of it did.

Also, I'm almost certain that both were virgins prior to this moment. If not, they sure can hide that fact. Oh well, we just left them to do their thing. Liam went back downstairs, but I don't think he said anything to them.

"That was bound to happen." Matt says.

"But regardless, you saw us, didn't you?" Tyler asks.

"At least I didn't walk in on sex." I say.

"He's got a point." Tyler says.

"We all know that you guys fuck, anyway." I say.

"You're right, we do. However, that's different than walking in on it." Matt says.

"So, about seeing your high school days." I say changing the subject.

"Fuck it. Might as well, show them the video I made." Matt says to Tyler.

"Don't show them." Tyler says.

"Why? Someone embarrassed?" Matt asks.

"Why would I be embarrassed?" Tyler asks.

"Because everytime you're in a clip it's a fight, you being a pure troublemaker, you smoking, us kissing, or it was me tutoring you." Matt replies.

"Seems like someone is embarrassed." I say.

"Liam!" We heard Brandon say.

"What? All I did was find a CD..with Matt's signature." Liam says.

"What does it say?" Jamie asks.

"It says, 'Matt and Tyler: A High School Story,' followed by Matt's signature. He made this CD. Whatever's in this, Matt put it together." Liam says.

I push open Anders' door. Matt looked at me like I was crazy. I wasn't going to let them miss out on an awesome video.

"Zachary! Anders!" I say.

"We uhh..." Anders starts to say.

"You can't cover this up." Matt says.

"And, you were going to miss us show you our high school days." Tyler asks.

Matt was already gone. He probably went to get the CD from Liam. Tyler eventually left. I went after with Anders and Zach.

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