Pt. 35

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You'd think that Liam would actually be nice to me, but no. That was never gonna happen. He just makes me want to hit him.

I was in the kitchen/living room with Zach and Liam. Jamie, Danny and Brandon were in their rooms. Matt and Tyler were with us, too.

"Where do we even start?" Matt asks.

"I thought you guys could actually get along, but no." Tyler says.

I was on my phone, paying no attention to anything they're saying. He honestly doesn't care..?

"Why can't y—" Liam starts to say to me.

"Liam." Matt says.

"You can't do anything right, can you?" Liam asks.

"Shut up! Just, shut up!" I snap.

"I w—" Liam starts.

"You don't get it do you!? You're only making things worse! I came here not even wanting to be here! You didn't go through a million foster homes to finally be at one that actually wants you! With my major depression, you only make it worse! Why can't you just understand that!?" I say.

Liam just rolled his eyes. Liam doesn't care. He just doesn't care about the fact that I came here being a suicidal person. If it weren't for Matt and Tyler, I wouldn't even be alive now.

"You think I'm lying, don't you?" I  ask.

"Well, yeah." Liam says.

"Have you ever cared to notice, I'm always wearing hoodies? Yes, a lot people make up having depression and suicidal thoughts, but I'm not. I grew up with no mother, a father who is in jail. All my previous foster parents didn't even care about me. They ignored me or favored the other kids more than me. Even the other kids hated me. I never had people who cared for me, until I came here! I fell into depression at 9! I stopped talking to anyone after that point. Then I came here." Anders says.

Matt looks between Tyler and I. Though Matt knew about my suicidal past, Tyler knows slightly more. I'm also heading back into 'mute' part of my life when I was younger.

"Uh-huh." Liam says in a unbelievable way.

He doesn't believe me. Of course he doesn't. Why would he? He just doesn't like me. He's hated me since I got here for absolutely no reason.


Anders didn't say anything, but I could tell he wanted to hit Liam. I could tell he was done, but he knew he couldn't just leave. I know he will, but right now he isn't.

"I don't even know how to begin with you two." Matt says.

"Should I take over or..?" I ask.

"Sure, I guess." Matt says.

"You guys have hated each other since Anders got here some months ago. Most of the arguments and fights that happen here is between the two of you. Just when we thought, you guys could get start fighting, again." I say.

"He just wants to be a dick." Liam mutters.

"Oh, I'm a dick?? The first night I got here, the first thing I got from you was a glare. I didn't even say anything, I just walked in. You also hit me with the car, bullied me at school, and so much more that I didn't deserve from you. Yes, I'd react to the de things..but I didn't deserve the shit you did." Anders replies.

"You know what...I'm with Anders here." I say.

"What??" Liam asks.

"He's right, Liam. He didn't deserve anything you did to him, especially when you hit him with Ty's car." Matt says.

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