Pt. 9

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Why did we get stuck with the most troublesome people at school? Not that I don't want them here or anything. They're awesome...except for when they get suspended.

We also have a possibility suicidal one. The real question isn't whether or not he's been eating here (which he's not). The real question is how long has he gone without eating?

I'm already a bit out of the blue by even finding out that Anders might be suicidal and starving himself, but now I have to deal with Danny being fucking suspended!

I try to calm down after yelling at him. Yes, between Matt and I....I'm the 'mom' parent. I do the cooking (unless I'm sick and shouldn't be cooking in which Matt takes over), laundry (though, I have made the boys do it in the past), and so much more.

Yes, Matt helps me, but it's mostly my job as he's usually the one making sure no fights ensue while I'm doing my thing or he's helping them with homework. We both switch from time to time.

"Great...suspended! And we aren't even halfway done with the year..!" I say.

"Tyler..calm down." Matt says to me.

"This is what? Your 3rd suspension?" Liam asks with a hint of snarkiness.

"Liam!" I say.

"3rd or not, I didn't instigate it." Danny says.

"Whether you did or didn't, you still got your a—You still got suspended." I reply with annoyance in my voice.

I'm not having this right now, so I kinda just walk away from it. Danny has been suspended more than once and it's not even the end of the 1st semester, yet alone Winter Break.

"Calm down, Tyler. Calm down." I say to myself.

"Ty..?" Matt asks.

"I can't do this.." I say. "I don't.."

"Ty, calm down...It's going to be fine. You're fine." Matt says.

"I can't do this..." I say to myself.

"Ty.." Matt says.

"Matt...." I say.

I can do this, I just can't right now. Danny's suspended, Liam almost got in a fight before we left, Anders is hurt and is either suicidal or depressed.

Matt left me alone for a bit. Anders isn't that bad as of currently. I know in the future where he's getting into the most fights and probably failing all his classes, will be the most stressful time of my entire life. Well, most classes. The majority of the time it's just Danny and Liam being our biggest troublemakers ever.

I think I'm just gonna order pizza tonight. It also family night. We do this at least once a month to get us all together and having fun.

"Hey, so I'm thinking of ordering pizza for us tonight." I say to Matt.

"Are we still planning to do family night? I mean, Anders shouldn't be moving around. We don't even know if he can walk on it properly. He could barely walk then." Matt says.

"We won't know unless we let him. He has to move around some anyway. You can't expect him to not shower and stuff." I say.

"I guess." Matt replies.

I already know what the boys are going to want. Well, apart from Anders that is. I know what everyone else wants when it comes to pizza.

"Woah." I hear Anders say.

So, he can't walk well...but at least he's trying. He's probably going to the bathroom or something. He has to get there somehow. Not like he can teleport or anything.

"I'm thinking of getting pizza. Want any?" I ask.

"I'll be fine." Anders says.

"Anders..." I say.

"I'll be fine, Tyler!" Anders snaps at me.

"How long as this been going on!?" I ask.

"Nearly 3 weeks....." Anders says.

Shit! You can go 3 weeks without food before you die..what's he trying to do!? Has he been purposely doing this!? Why Anders!?

"I'm not going to let you die on us this early in life..I can't let it happen...." I say.

"What's—Oh, you're certainly on your feet." Matt says to Anders.

"What pizza do you want?" I try asking again.

"Just get me a cheese." Anders says.

"Hey, uh...Zach and Liam are fighting." I heard Brandon say.

"Again?" I ask.

Zach, though he doesn't get in physical fights still has a shit of a record. He's known for 'arguing with the teacher' which I find completely bullshit most of the time.

Liam on the other hand is a more physical fighter just like Danny and Anders. Anders has brought his record to having 2 fights on it. When it comes to at home, Liam seems to mess with everyone..especially towards Anders and Zach.

"Let's just say..Liam may or may have taken Zach's phone and started to go through stuff." Brandon says.

Yep, I'm officially done. Matt stepped in seeing as I'm not in the mood to deal with those 2. I don't know why they argue and fight so much, but I kinda get why Anders and Liam have problems. Anders is just done with moving foster homes all the time, so he's kinda became the 'troubled', depressed person he is now. Liam is just being an ass.

My Foster BrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora