Pt. 8

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It's been a few days since Liam's little shenanigan. I haven't been able to do much except watch anime and attempt to become ambidextrous. That my friend means, I can use both hands with equal dexterity or in simpler terms..someone who can use either hand to write, draw, etc.

I will say, it has gotten somewhat better..but I still have a long while. The only food I've been 'eating' is whatever Tyler and Matt give me. Okay, Tyler has caught on to the fact that I don't eat much of anything they give me, yet alone any of it even if he hasn't told Matt about it.

"Hey, kiddo..." Tyler says.

"Hi." I say.

"We care about you, okay? We need you to eat something.." Tyler says.

"I'm just not hungry, okay?" I ask with some snarkiness.

"You never eat...You haven't eaten anything since your arrival..Anders, we care about you.." Tyler says.

"Ty, what's up? What's going on?" Matt asks.

Tyler has to tell him, now. He has to sooner or later. I just carefully grab my laptop and watch some anime. I could briefly hear them talking.

It's not that I don't want their food or that I'm allergic to anything apart from the few things that they should know of. It's just that..I'm just not hungry.

"Anders..." Matt says.

"I know what you're going to say.." I reply.

"Why..why do you—" Matt starts but then realised he has to get my brothers from school. "Tyler, talk to him. I have to get the boys."

"Why are you starving yourself like this? You have food here. We give you food. Why do you do this?" Tyler says.

"You knew since it was mentioned that I didn't eat breakfast or dinner..Why didn't you tell Matt sooner?" I ask changing the subject.

"I didn't want to worry him. But..why!? Why do that to yourself? Are you trying to kill yourself!?" Tyler asks.

"When I'm stuck here, unable to move around do you expect me to—" I start..

"You did this before the accident...before you got massively hurt. Just. Eat. Something." Tyler says looking like he might cry.

"I'm..sorry.." I say actually crying. "I...don't mean to..."

"Hey, hey. It's going to be fine.." Tyler says.

Matt just got home as I heard the door open. I'm guess is everyone is doing homework down there or at least are going to.

"Just...just eat something...please." Tyler says.

"Tyler!" Matt says.

"I'll figure something out..." I say.

I'm not even hungry...that's a lie. I just don't eat anything. I've been through way too much to even remotely care about my own safety anymore.

When you've been in abusive homes, living with abusive family, bullying, you wind up not eating..cutting..and so much more..

I try to bring myself up to sitting level. If I can sit up, I'm sure I could try to bring myself to better care for myself...

"Anders.." Matt says seeing me.

"I-I never meant t-to..." I try. "I d-don't mean to d-do this..."

I said that between tears. If only he knew how badly things were back at old homes, he would cry. I know they care. I know they'd worry about me.

"Fuck!" Tyler says loud enough that I'm sure our neighbours could hear him.

"Oh, fucking damnit." Matt says.

This is hard enough as with someone who hates me..being majorly injured....unable to move name it. Tyler and Matt have been the most supportive, understanding foster parents I've ever had. If I never got transferred here, I'd be dead by now...

A/N: I cried making this chapter..Writing this made me cry..writing one of my characters as suicidal is heartbreaking..If you didn't cry reading are heartless.

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