Pt. 29

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"Matt, wake up." I say.

It's was 7 am on a Tuesday. The boys need to go to school, and Matt usually takes them. I'd also usually make them breakfast, but I didn't get up on time to do so.

Matt said nothing and was still asleep. He usually wakes up. Did he not get much sleep last night? After Anders being taken to the hospital and Zach's little shenanigan, it does make sense. I got somewhat plenty of sleep, so why didn't Matt?

I look at him. He just seemed to be sleeping peacefully. I guess I'm taking the boys to school. Unless Matt was sick, he—Is he sick?

"Matt?" I ask.

"Hey, Tyler? Uhh..oh. Is he okay?" Brandon asks.

"I don't know. I don't think he got much sleep last night." I reply.

"So, you'll be taking us today? By the way, Zach is still sleeping." Brandon says.

"Yes, I'll be taking you today." I say.

"Oh, and we're out of milk!" Brandon says as he's walking away.

I swear if Matt is still asleep when I get back, a) be surprised b) find out he's sick and not feeling well

"Zach, wake up." I say.

"I'm not going." He grumbled.

"You have to." I reply.

"Do I?" Zach asks.

"You can't not go because Anders isn't here." I say.

"I'll go.." Zach says reluctantly.

I drove them to school. Zach was super quiet and don't take anything to eat for breakfast. I know he won't be okay for a while after what had happened yesterday. His uniform was a mess as he seemed to have slept in it.

I pull him aside so I could fix his uniform before he walked in. I just wanted it to not be a mess and he gets yelled at for it.

"Don't." Zach says pulling his right arm away.

"Zach.." I say.

"I'll fix it when I get inside." Zach says.

"Just let me." I say.

He said nothing, so I just continued. I pushed his blazer up so I could his sleeves. As soon as I went to roll it up I noticed why he didn't want me doing this side.

"Zach.." I say pausing.

"They're from the past. Before I came to you." He says.

"There's new ones..." I reply.

"I have to go." Zach says running off.

At least it isn't as bad as Anders'. Anders is way worse. Zach was in a depression, but ever since he started dating Anders it went down drastically and now it's back now that Anders isn't here.

"Matt!" I call going upstairs.

No answer. Damn, is he still sleeping? I went up there and he hasn't moved an inch since I left. What is going on with him today?

"Matt?" I ask.

He, for a brief moment, opened one eye. Though he said nothing, he acknowledged I was there. It's not like he ignored me or anything.

"Are you okay?" I ask putting my hand on his forehead.

Shit. He was burning up. He's sick. No wonder he didn't get up. This could also be a cause of his mood swings last night.

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