Pt. 22

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It has been a week since the date. Right now, it's Saturday, so I was able to sleep in. I woke up as I usually would. The first thing I did was try to find something to wear, that looked cute and comfy.

I wonder if Anders is here. If he's not he's either at the recording studio or he's at a friend's house. Or he's outside in our yard

"Nice to see that you're finally up." Matt says to me when I came downstairs.

"Shut it. Where's Anders?" I ask.

"Somewhere in the city." Matt replies.

"With Michigan." Tyler adds.

"I'd think you would know where your boyfriend is." Liam says.

"He's not my boyfriend...yet!" I say.

"But he will be." Tyler says piping in.

My phone starts ringing in my pocket. I wonder who it is. Actually, I don't wonder. It was Anders so I picked up his call.

"Hey." I say.

"Sup. I'm going to take it as Matt and Tyler told where I was?" Anders asks.

"Well, they said you were in the city with Michigan. That's it." I say.

"You want to come meet up with us?" Anders asks.

"Obviously." I say.

"I'll text you where I am. See you." Anders says.

Anders hung up the phone shortly after. Tyler looked at me like he knew I was going to go meet up with Anders and Michigan.

I run up to my room to grab my wallet in case I'll ever need it before heading off to the city. I ran for some of it but decided to walk for the rest.

Anders texted me where he was, so I walked all the way over there. He was around the recording studio. Let's see...Oh, there's Michigan!

"Zach!" Anders calls.

"Oh, hey." I say.

"So, I got the deal with the recording studio. They're willing to work with me." Anders says.

"That's awesome." I say.

We spent a lot of time walking around. At some point Anders went off. Michigan knew something I didn't, but I didn't bother asking her why he separated from us. I knew that if I did, she won't tell me anything.

When I first met Anders, when he first came to Matt and Tyler, I didn't get a clear view of his face. He was turned away from me so I never actually saw what he looked like.

He was the troublemaker, not that Liam and Danny weren't but he was worse. He basically starved himself. With Liam being a complete douche not really knowing the story didn't make things any better for him.

When I first saw him, I started to like him. It was love at first sight, really. I never really knew if he liked me until recently when he told me he did.

Even when Anders was hurt, I cared. Liam shouldn't have done that. I was apart from Matt and Tyler, the most worried about him.. When I hugged him after seeing him for like the first time after his injury, I was crying. Literally.

Matt and Tyler, seemed to have an impact on Anders and his actions. I knew the second he came that he he hadn't been eating much of anything and it was getting worse each day he was here after he arrived. If it weren't for Tyler and Matt, he wouldn't have lasted long here or for much longer.

Even now, though he's still the same troublemaker he is, despite getting in less fights at school (not by much..) Though, he has gotten better with attitude.

"Ya know, Anders is very similar to Matt and Tyler. Of course, I don't mean literally. There's many differences. Much like Matt, he is a tsundere but he's also a troublemaker, like Tyler. It took him months to even admit he liked you to me. Matt and Tyler knew for a long time that he liked you." Michigan said.

"What?" I ask.

"What part was confusing?" Michigan asks.

"Matt and Tyler knew he liked me long before I did?" I ask.

"Of course, they did. Even they knew long before he admitted it to himself and even me. It's why, they never bothered with the relationship you guys had with each other once you guys got super close. It's why, they made sure the others didn't know of the date until much later. They've shipped it mostly because it reminded them of their own relationship now and even back in high school." Michigan says.

"Why, because I fell in love with a troublemaker like Matt did? Who else knew? The headmaster knew as well?" I ask.

"He knew. He was the headmaster back when Tyler and Matt were attending this school. He sees them in you guys. Anders is very similar to Tyler where you're much like Matt. It's why, Anders was never suspended despite all his fights." Michigan says.

"Heey!" Anders says completing scaring me.

"Ahh. Fuck." I say.

"Scaredy-cat. Anyway, I gots you something." Anders says.

"Did you now?" I ask.

"And I want to ask you something." Anders says.

I could only guess what he was going to ask. I kinda had an idea of what he would ask me. Also what could he have possibly gotten me? I also hope his question is if I'd be his boyfriend. I hope he asks that.

"Here. The perfect picture. Framed and everything. From our date. I thought I'd get us a framed picture from our first date." Anders says.

"It's really pretty." I say.

"Ask him what you were going to ask him." Michigan says.

"I didn't know a good way to ask this, so I'm asking straight up. I was wondering..if you will..If you will be my boyfriend." Anders says. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

He asked it! He asked the question I was hoping he was going to ask me to day. I felt tears running down my face. They're happy tears not sad tears. 

"Yes, yes I will." I reply.

It's official. We're dating. We're finally dating! I can't believe it. He asked me and I said yes! This is going to be one of my favorite days ever. The day he asked me to be his boyfriend. This is the happiest I've ever felt.

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