Pt. 5

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Michigan is once again coming over to work on our math project. I know I don't need to film right now, but I wanted to. Added bonus.

Also, I did get Brandon, Jamie, Zach and Danny's numbers on my phone. I didn't bother with Liam. I knew I'd be forced to get Liam's number anyway, but who cares right now?

Lucky for me, Matt was the one to get us and not Tyler. I'm actually surprised Matt didn't just put or even ask to put his number into my phone earlier while in the office.

"I forgot to ask when you arrived, but I'm going to have to put my number on you phone." Matt says.

"And Tyler's." Jamie says.

So, I now I have everyone's number. Matt added Liam's after seeing I didn't have his. I also deleted numbers of my previous foster homes. I won't be talking to them anytime soon.

The drive home had the occasional talking, but it was silent for a good while. Matt wasn't bothered or didn't seem to care with anything going on.

That was until we got home. Michigan and I were the first ones out. I told Michigan to just wait for me in my room.

"Why does he get to work in his room?" Liam asks.

"Because he has a project to do and it's a group project." Matt says.

"So? Why can't they do it where we do our homework? What difference does it make?" Liam asks.

"Group projects are different." Matt says getting annoyed.

"It makes no difference where they do it!" Liam argues.

"Liam Lorintyl!" Matt snaps.

I knew that was coming. I had to hold back my laughter so I wouldn't get in more trouble than I already was.

"Wow, sorry." Liam says rolling his eyes.

"And you.." Matt says turning to me. "You know, what? Just work in your room all the time. Knowing you and Liam, nothing will get done if your both in the same room doing homework."

"Wasn't expecting you to say that. Thought'd you say otherwise. Plus, how would you know I'm actually doing my stuff?" I ask.

"You probably aren't, but I'm not putting you and Liam in the same room doing homework." Matt replies.

"By the way, we got our first film assignment today." I say.

"Knowing you, you'll only focus on your electives rather than your core classes. What is this assignment anyway?" Matt asks.

"I like how you're mad at me, but never seem to look like you are." I say.

"It's Tyler you should be worried about. You've already made him pissed about your fight yesterday, you yelled at him today and you've gotten in another fight today. He's not going to be happy." Matt replies.

"So, about this project I have in my photography and film class. We have to film our day from the beginning. All of it, which means my camera will be out tomorrow." I say before going inside.

Tyler didn't say anything to me when I walked in, but when he saw Matt..he knew something was up. Wait, Matt didn't tell him about my thing today!?

"Matt..?" Tyler asks.

"Uh.." Matt says.

"What did he do?" Tyler asks.

"Wait, hold up!! You didn't tell him!?" I exclaim.

"No..?" Matt asks timidly.

"What. Did. He. Do?" Tyler asks getting a bit annoyed.

"He may or may not have gotten into another fight today.." Matt says.

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