Pt. 13

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"Who you listening to?" Mig asks me when she walked into my room.

"LaC. New artist." I say.

"LaC. Guessing it's a stage name." Mig says.

"It is. I know who it is." I reply.

"How do you know who it is?" Mig asks.

"Promise not to tell anyone, okay?" I ask.

"Ok...? I won't tell anyone.?" Mig says timidly.

"I'm LaC. Jumbled up my initials. Anders Calvin Laven. Or A.C.L. Move them around, and you get LaC." I reply.

"Cool! How'd you record the songs and get them on a CD?" Mig asks.

"They're also on Spotify. I got help from Cole and Nic. Friends of yours." I say.

"By the way, here's all your homework." Mig says.

I did the homework I wanted to do. Mig eventually found my stuff on Spotify and started listening to it.

"Shit. I didn't know you could sing that high." Mig says.

"Do you want to do our film project?" I ask.

"Sure. Want to go into the city to do it? You can give the studio your portfolio while we're at it. Nic give a studio name?" Mig asks.

"Yah." I say pulling it up on my phone.

I grabbed my film camera and the stuff I'm going to give to the studio. They'll email me back if I'm to get a job there.

"We're going into the city for a film project. We'll be back." I say.

"Alright. Just be careful." Matt says.

"Who's LaC?" Jamie asks.

Did he try to type in something else but my songs came up? I'm going to take that as a yes if he's asking who LaC is.

"He's a new artist. Just released his first songs on Spotify." I say.

"Oh, nice." Jamie says.

"You all should check him out." Mig says.

Mig and I walked into the city. Wow! It's so pretty! It's awesome considering I've never been to the city before. I hit record on my camera and we're off.

"Pretty! This is actually my first time in the city!" I say.

"Really?" Mig asks.

"Yep. It's pretty awesome!" I reply.

So, we spent a big portion of the time walking around. We did go into a few shops to see what's there.

Neither of us filmed when we got to the recording studio. Obviously we didn't as I wanted to keep my identity secret unless it's Mig, Nic, or Cole. I had the mask on when I entered the studio.

"Hi. I was wondering if you were looking for new singers." I say to someone.

"We'll accept anyone. Just give us your portfolio and you're set. We'll email you if we want you or not. Taking by your height, you're still in school. Just come in when you can. I'm Lex. Also, taking you want your identity kept secret?" She asks.

"Yep. I'm LaC. On here, I have my actual name." I reply handing her my CD and other stuff.

"You should expect an email from us in a few weeks." Lex says.

So, that happened. Also, singers get paid a lot per week. And I mean a lot. If I get this, I'll see if I can come in after school or at least for a good portion of the week.

Before we started back to my house, I decided to buy some food as I'm hungry. Dinner won't be there for a while since Matt's ordering again. I don't even care right now. Really, I just got a shake.

I was filming again as we were walking around. Eventually, we started back home. I turned my camera off once we left the city.

"Bro! You lost! So much for saying you were gonna win!" Jamie says to Liam.

"That's bullshit! You cheated!" Liam says.

I look between Tyler and Matt. They said nothing. I guess they're used to this happening, though they'll care if I say it.

"Haha! Bitch, he won fair and square!" Zach says.

Wait...they have 8 controllers. Do they play occasionally? I've never seen them play, though.

I sneak in and grab a controller myself before they start a new game. The only open spot was next to Zach, so I sit myself next to him.

"Hey!" Liam says.

"What? Have to get into my account somehow." I reply.

Ooh. They have all the games I play. Halo, COD, Minecraft (yes, I still play), Destiny 2, GTA, Assassins Creed, Mortal Kombat 11, DOOM, Elder Scrolls, Rocket League, Star Wars Battlefront II and Forza.

Once I get logged in, I joined their game of Forza. I'm actually really good at this game. I was in first with Zach close behind me.

"Damnit! How are you winning??" Liam asks.

"I'm just better than you!" I say.

As soon as food got here, everyone got off the Xbox. Everyone but me. I go to back up my previous game data to this Xbox.

As soon as I did that, I grabbed some food. Mig stayed with us for dinner, since she's staying over. Tyler and Matt knows she is. Her parents know as well, I'm sure.

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