Pt. 4

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"Anders, wake up." I heard Matt say.

"Fu—No." I say.

"Anders Lorintyl." Matt says.

"Lorintyl?" I ask.

"That's your last name as long as you're in our care. Now get your ass up." He says.

"Was not expecting that." I reply.

"We do it when it calls for it. It's Tyler who'll do it if he's really pissed or if he knows I'm not going to give him crap for it." Matt says.

"That explains yesterday." I say.

"Don't think you're off the hook just because we let you have your friend over. He's still pissed at it." Matt replies.

"You only let her over because we had a project to do." I say kinda falling out of my bed.

"Just at how you came here the first time, you're already our biggest troublemaker. Don't make it the same at school." He says before leaving me.

I put on my uniform but don't tuck it in or any of that shit. He didn't notice the homework that has yet to be done, even if it is due tomorrow. I still won't do it.

"Oh look, it's trouble." Liam says.

"Shut the fuck up." I say wanting to hit him.

Luckily for him, Matt already had me unable to hit him. He knew I wanted to, he just won't let me. I knew from the first time I saw Liam, we'd have problems.

"Cool it. Don't make this harder for you." Matt whispers in my ear.

I shove him off me. I was having none of this.

"I'm not the one instigating!" I say.

"Anders!" Tyler says.

"You know fairly well, I didn't do shit!" I snap at Tyler.

"Anders fucking Lorintyl!" Tyler finally says.

"Babe..." Matt says.

I walked off towards the door not giving a care in the world. If anything, Liam should be getting shit for what he said.

"Anders!" Matt says.

I flip him off before actually stepping out of the house. And yes I got my stuff and memorised how to get to school from here.

I got my camera out and tried to see if there's anything worth taking a picture of. I saw other students walking to school. Then I saw Michigan. I turned the camera towards her. She was alone. Do her siblings drive to school?

She looked directly at my camera. She noticed me. I could still see my house from here. I just noticed them pulling out of the driveway. I quickly popped over to Michigan's side.

"Hey." I say.

"So, that was you? You didn't take any photos did you?" Michigan asks.

"Nope." I say.

"So, why are you walking?" Michigan asks.

"I kinda got pissed off at my family. Well, some of them." I reply.

I moved my camera back on her joking with her. She didn't say anything but I kept it on her. It was too close of a shot anyway.

Matt stopped the car when he was right next to us. I rolled my eyes and pretended I didn't see them. Well, before I shifted my camera directly at Matt.

"Anders.." Matt says.

"Last chance to hitch a ride." Danny says.

"Pfft. Let him walk. Why should we give him a ride?" Liam asks.

My Foster BrotherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz