Pt. 38

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"For fucks sake, shut up." I say.

"Are you good?" Tyler asks.

"Stupid people." I mouth.

"Why do you even have a second job?" Tyler asks.

"We won't have them forever. We only have them for 2 more years. Well most of them we only have for 2 more years. Liam and Jamie graduate next year." I say.

"Anyway, I should go get the others from school." Tyler says. "You should quit your job and just become a part-time twitch streamer. You do get a lot of money that way."

Tyler went to get the boys. Liam and Jamie, being juniors (year 12) means they're gonna be leaving in a year once they graduate if they can get a job to pay for college.

I mean, obviously we'll pay some of it, but at some point it'll be their responsibility to pay for it. I know Jamie is already looking for both colleges and jobs.

I'm pretty sure only 2/6 actually have jobs, now. I know Danny has one at a bakery. Anders has one, he just hasn't told anyone what it is. Zach, maybe has one but it's unclear.

"Not to mention, we don't need 2 jobs. We didn't need 2, the second we took in being foster parents." Tyler says.


I had to get everyone else from school, so I left Matt to do his thing. If you're wondering why Zach is home and didn't get sent back to class is because he got suspended from the fight.

"Plus, we could always just continue fostering kids." I say.

"Ya know what? I'm done." I hear Matt say to the ones he was initially talking, too.

I pass by Anders room, and I'm honestly not surprised at this point. Do I even need to tell you?

"Why don't you not do that? I mean, after all...isn't Anders to—" I start.

"But, if it's oral..?" Zach asks.

"You do you, I'm not judging." I say.

I left soon after. I knew what they were gonna do or what they maybe aren't doing now. Who knows?

I pull into the school and noticed Danny, Brandon, and Jamie but not Liam. Where is that kid? If he got into trouble again.

"Where's Liam?" I ask pulling down my window.

"No idea. He was with us a few minutes ago." Danny says.

"Fuck." I say.

"Jamie!" I hear Liam say.

"What'd he do, this time?" I mutter.

"I don't think he did anything." Daniel says.

Appears like he didn't. Liam looked up and noticed me. The second he looked up, I knew something was up.

"You know, I'm sure he never meant to be an ass at school or home. It's probably due to his friends who are jackasses." Danny says.

"Wait here." I say.

I get out of the car and casually approach Liam and this other guy. Before you go off saying I'm going to fight him, I'm not. I'm just gonna break it up.

I noticed the first guy try to hit Liam. He's getting bullied himself...He probably went to other guys who got him into the bullying way. I prevented the punch from hitting Liam.

"Don't you ever hurt him, again." I say.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He asks.

"He's my kid. My foster kid, actually. Hurt him again, and you'll easily regret it. In fact, most of my high school days were me getting into fights. I only lost one. You really don't want to mess with someone who is a 2nd black belt in TaeKwonDo." I reply.

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