Chapter 17

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"So tell me what exactly happened," Chris sat with me on the couch, I sat against the arm of the sofa with a pillow in my arms and my knees pulled to my chest. I felt like a wreck on the inside, and it was beginning to get hard to hold it in.

"So, Derek came in this morning and asked if I wanted to go hiking with him. I said yes, and he drove to the far end of town to a hiking trail that I assumed he knew reasonably well. We pulled into the parking lot, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. We started down the path, and Derek slowly started to seem a little off, I didn't think anything of it because the conversation we were having was beginning to be hard to continue. So when he stopped and pointed at a yellow flower off of the trail, I knew that we were in trouble because, as I started to focus on the flower, I realized that they were everywhere around us.

"Derek started fading out on me, and I started to get him back to the truck as quickly as possible. But we got stopped by a group of guys, I know they weren't human Chris, they acted way too weird to be; I'm sure they weren't werewolves either because these flowers would have affected them as well. I took care of them enough to get Derek and me out of there; then, I took him to Deaton's, and well now I'm here." I sighed, hugging the pillow tighter to my chest.

"Do you think you could take me there? Do you remember what it's called?" Chris asked, looking somewhat upset, I think the part about the guys hit a nerve.

"I remember the way Derek went, but I didn't look at the name," I whispered. "Chris, what if Derek isn't okay? What if Deaton can't help him?" I looked up at Chris tears filling my eyes.

"Hey, hey, Derek is going to be just fine. I've seen him live through a whole lot worse than this." Chris said, pulling me into his arms. "Do not blame yourself. Do you understand me? This isn't your fault; it was bound to happen."

"C-can you take me to Deaton's? I don't want to take my truck in case the effects of the flower are lingering on it." I stuttered out.

"Of course. I'll get a hold of Stiles and have him take your truck to get it cleaned." Chris smiled at me. "Don't worry, Derek will be okay."

Chris could tell me that Derek was going to be okay all he wanted, but I was going to continue to worry about Derek until I saw him.

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