Why Did It Happen To Me

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    Yunlan laid in a dark room, his been kidnapped  by the one he rescue. How ironic he rescue a young beautiful   man from the beast as it turned out his the beast.

   And now the young man name Shen Wei  claimed him to be his mate for  a life time.


    Lin Jing throw a bachelor  party for him, because his gonna get married to his long love Zhu Hong. Well Yunlan was tease by his friends on why the two have a long love affair but still didn't  get married. For the reason he can't  say because his gay. And if his family and girlfriend might find out about it. It will destroy his life and career as a professor.

   While his friends having fun with the party and ladies. Yunlan just sit around drinking his beer. When a young stranger sit beside him. "Your quiet bored in your own party?" Yunlan ignored him. "Do you want to have  some fun with a different species  than women? You know what I mean?" As green eyes look at him.

   Yunlan arch his brow, "What do you mean?" As he tried to denied it. "I can see your not interested  with women? How about go with me! And I'll introduce you to many young men that you might like before you so called wedding or you might say the end of your life?" As he smirk. Yunlan look at his friends.

   "Don't  worry I'll introduce  them to some ladies there! It will be fun for them as well for you, before you bind yourself  to that person. So what's  your answer?"

    Moments  later, they went there and surprise  that they're  not the only one, many men and women waited in line just to get in the red house. Music playing loud and you can hear them outside the place. The young man lead them to a VIP room which have a few people.

    While touring the place the young man seperate him from his friends to give him his other treat. First Lin Jing didn't  like the idea. But Yunlan sign him that he will be fine. While walking in the  hallway.  He find several rooms, but suddenly  a familiar scent he smell, "It's  sweet!" As he walk away forgetting  the young man infront  of him whose touring him around .

   Just to get to a specific door and peek at the glass window. There he see a young man naked crouched  at the far end. "Are they selling young men illegally?!" He got worried. The young man look at him and he was shocked  he was the most beautiful guy he have ever seen. When the young man saw him he quickly ran toward him and pleaded him to let him out.

   Yunlan got panicked  as he sense the young man distress. But he was surprised  as the door open and the young man jump at him and cling to his neck. Yunlan went red as the young  man pressed  his bare body  unto him. Making him suddenly  arouse and heat up. It all add up when Shen Wei  kept smelling him up and licking his neck. "Stop!" As he pushed  him lightly and covered  him with his jacket.

    "Why are you naked? And  what's  your name?! We must get out of here quickly!  And called his friends as he pulled the young man toward the exit. But they were block by two huge body guards. "What have you  done! You should never let that  out! But  suddenly  one of the guards saw Yunlan's  neck. "Oh! No! He mark you!" He suddenly  grabbed  Yunlan. That made the young man suddenly  hit the body guards strong sending him toward the door and banged it open while the other he lift and about to strangled his neck.  "Wow! Your strong!" Said Yunlan.

   Yunlan stop him and to let go of the man, but he hit the man making it unconcious.  As both ran for the exit. There he meet his friends and told them what he seen.  As they ran away from it, unfortunately the  men who owns the red house run after them. So Yunlan made a decision  to seperate their cars from their other friends so the men will be confuse on where they must follow.

   While driving, "What is your name boy?! He ask again. "Shen Wei...." It only say. As he look at Yunlan lovingly. Lin Jing sit at the back of the car  felt something  wrong with the guy they rescue. As he quickly attached  to Yunlan. And his gaze is different  toward his friend. "Hey! Lin Jing I'm gonna dropped  you to your house and we will continue to drive to make those guys confuse!"

   Lin Jing want to protest but he was  let out of the car and the car speed away.  As they park in a dark cornered of the street between the bushes so the men running after them might not see them.

   "We will be safe here!" As Yunlan hugged  Shen Wei  so he might not be frighten. But the effects is different. It made Shen Wei  relax to  his hold and snuggle to Yunlan. Making Yunlan calmed  down. But as he was  about to call the police for help. Shen Wei  suddenly  took it off his hand and started to kiss him.

    Yunlan was shock  being kiss by a beautiful  man. First his startled  to respond to it. But when Shen Wei  taken off his jacket and quickly sit on his lap. And attacking him with kisses. Yunlan suddenly  responded  to it and hold Shen Wei tightly to his arms.

    His scent is making Yunlan drunk with lust as he moan when Shen Wei suddenly  teared his shirt  off and start nibbling  his neck, collarbone and toward his chest. He didn't  notice, he have taken off  his seat belt and pull down his seat. As he let Shen Wei  devoured  him in the car.

   The men whose searching for them have already ran pass them. As Shen Wei  growl he bit Yunlan on the neck and started unzipping  his pants and brief. As he roll it down, Shen Wei  quickly lick and suck his prize. Making Yunlan moan as he arch his body for more. So Shen Wei  can swallowed  him whole. "Aaaah.....Wei..." He moan while gripping  Shen Wei's  hair to encourage him to swallowed  him whole. With in a minute he burst inside of Shen Wei's  mouth. Shen Wei  lick his lips as he swallowed  it all. But within a minute his sucking and licking him again making Yunlan cried for more.

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